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Gesunde Gewurze
M. Pahlow Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Schon seit Jahrtausenden weiß man: Gewürze sind nicht nur schmackhaft, sondern auch gesund! Durch richtiges Würzen können wir Verdauungs-beschwerden ausschalten oder lindern, Herz und Kreislauf entlasten und... czytaj dalej

Vychislitelnaia teploperedacha
A. Samarskij Wydawnictwo: brak danych

"#1050;#1085;#1080;#1075;#1072; #1087;#1086;#1089;#1074;#1103;#1097;#1077;#1085;#1072; #1084;#1077;#1090;#1086;#1076;#1072;#1084; #1080;#1089;#1089;#1083;#1077;#1076;#1086;#1074;#1072;#1085;#1080;#1103;... czytaj dalej

Path Integrals in Quantum Mechanics Statistics & Polymer Phy
H. Kleinert Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This is the third, significantly expanded edition of the comprehensive textbook published in 1990 on the theory and applications of path integrals. It is the first book to explicitly solve path integrals of... czytaj dalej

Adaptive Filter Theory
S. Haykin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For courses in Adaptive Filters.Haykin examines both the mathematical theory behind various linear adaptive filters and the elements of supervised multilayer perceptrons. In its fourth edition, this highly... czytaj dalej

Chaos & Complexity in Astrophysics
Regey Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The discipline of nonlinear dynamics has developed explosively in all areas of physics over the last two decades. This comprehensive primer summarizes the main developments in the mathematical theory of dynamical... czytaj dalej

Introductory Semiconductor Device Physics
Parker Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Introduction to Semiconductor Device Physics" is a popular and established text that offers a thorough introduction to the underlying physics of semiconductor devices. It begins with a review of... czytaj dalej

Channels Propagation & Antennas for Mobile Communications
Vaughan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This exceptional text introduces the reader to the theory and basis of antennas and propagation in the rapidly developing field of mobile communications. Topics covered include basic multipath mechanisms and... czytaj dalej

At the Bench
Barker Wydawnictwo: inne

'At the Bench', a handbook for living and working in the laboratory, is an aid to understanding basic lab techniques and how research groups work at a human level. In this revised edition, chapters have been... czytaj dalej

Encyclopedia of Fire
D. Newton Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Fire! Few subjects are as fundamental to both nature and human civilization. This reference breaks new ground by going beyond a discussion of the scientific and technical aspects of fire to show how human societies... czytaj dalej

Toxic Legacy
Sullivan Wydawnictwo: inne

This book provides detailed analysis of hazards associated with exposure to chemical mixtures and the potential health risks defined. It includes strategies for individual and industrial mitigation of chemical... czytaj dalej