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Podręcznik akademicki dokładnie opisujący pneumatyczne pomiary długości oraz definiowane za ich pomocą wielkości pośrednie (prostopadłość, równoległość, zbieżność i inne).... czytaj dalej
The electricity market has experienced enormous setbacks in delivering on the promise of deregulation. In theory, deregulating the electricity market would increase the efficiency of the industry by producing... czytaj dalej
This textbook has been developed from the lecture notes for a one-semester course on stochastic modelling. It reviews the basics of probability theory and then covers the following topics: Markov chains, Markov... czytaj dalej
In this book, after discussing the fundamental problems of current science and other philosophic concepts, beginning with controversies between Heraclitus and Parmenides, Ilya Prigogine launches into a message... czytaj dalej
In this money-saving guide to Briggs Stratton engine repair, master mechanic Paul Dempsey covers everything you need to know to complete just about any maintenance or repair job with professional results.... czytaj dalej
Intended for students, practitioners, and researchers in computer science, engineering, and the broad range of knowledge-based systems applications areas, this four-volume comprehensive reference addresses... czytaj dalej
For an introductory physical geology course taught at both two- and four-year schools.Exploring Earth takes an integrative, process approach to teaching physical geology by presenting the traditional breadth... czytaj dalej
For advanced diesel engines to achieve high fuel economy and ultra low emissions in the 21st century, an integrated NOx and particulate matter emissions control system is required. This book contains 45 landmark... czytaj dalej
"Standard Calculation Methods for Structural Fire Protection" provides methods of calculating the fire resistance of selected structural members and barrier assemblies using structural steel, plain... czytaj dalej
The 4th edition of this outstanding reference book on stepping motors was published early in 2002. Due to its continuing popularity, a paperback edition is now also introduced. This significantly updates this... czytaj dalej