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Using contributions by international researchers, this book analyses the molecular methods used for studying microorganisms that occur in the soil or that are associated with plants, at the community, population... czytaj dalej
Genetic research is often hampered by a shortage of genomic DNA, particularly for high-throughput assays or when minute specimens or individual cells are being investigated. However, such problems can be overcome... czytaj dalej
Computer aided process engineering (CAPE) tools have been very successfully used in process design and product engineering for a long time. In particular, simulation and modelling tools have enabled engineers... czytaj dalej
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) is an analytical tool used by chemists and physicists to study the structure and dynamics of molecules. In recent years, no other technique has grown to such importance as NMR... czytaj dalej
In the years since the fourth edition of this seminal work was published, active research has developed the Finite Element Method into the pre-eminent tool for the modelling of physical systems. Written by... czytaj dalej
The Eighth International Conference on Miniaturized Systems in Chemistry and Life Science - ľTas 2004 - is an annual meeting focusing on the research, development and application of miniaturized technologies... czytaj dalej
Audience:Non-biostatistics majors in Colleges/Departments of Public Health, Allied Health Sciences, Nursing (with Ph.D. programs), and Medical Schools. Any course of study in which introductory biostatistics... czytaj dalej
This book provides a complete introduction to all major topics needed in order to use electron microscopy as a research tool in structural biology. Written by a group of 5 well-known pioneers of the field of... czytaj dalej
Autor uważa, że choć myśl marksistowska pozostaje od lat w stadium głębokiego kryzysu, to jednak bez względu na to, jakie miejsce zajmuje marksizm w kulturze filozoficznej końca dwudziestego stulecia, i bez... czytaj dalej
Pozycja zawiera szereg informacji o bogatym i fascynującym świecie zwierząt. Kolorowe ilustracje ukazujące różne gatunki zwierząt w ich naturalnym środowisku, pomogą przeżyć podróż dookoła świata.... czytaj dalej