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This text explains biotechnology simply and clearly, creating sufficient scientific and historical context so the reader understands its continuity with earlier scientific developments going back to the discovery of the cell. ... czytaj dalej
With this Ninth Edition, the "Number One" best-selling non-majors microbiology text extends its trusted and reliable approach with improved disease chapters that feature efficient new "Disease... czytaj dalej
An integrated approach to the molecular theory of reaction mechanism in heterogeneous catalysis, largely based on the knowledge among the growing theoretical catalysis community over the past half century,... czytaj dalej
Space science and technology has grown multifold globally and Indian contribution to its growth over the years has been very significant. Further, its contribution in the domain of use of space derived data... czytaj dalej
Molecular biology is a fast-paced field that constantly provides new insights into the living world and the role of humans within it. Students and professionals need a clear understanding of new discoveries... czytaj dalej
A self-teaching book designed for those with a grounding in coastal navigation. Dealing first of all with the broad aspects of astro- navigation, Gerry Smith takes the reader through the basic skills needed... czytaj dalej
Curcurbits include cucumbers, gourds, muskmelons, pumpkins, squashes, and watermelons. As such they represent one of the largest and most important groups of horticultural food plants, and are grown throughout... czytaj dalej
The Artificial Intelligence and Education is an ever-growing research area. It uses artificial intelligence tools and techniques to provide the foundations for intelligent tutoring and learning systems. The... czytaj dalej
Kolorowo ilustrowany album jest fascynującą lekcją przyrody, łączącą w spójną całość różne zagadnienia poruszane na szkolnych lekcjach biologii.... czytaj dalej
Wynalazcą jest ten, kto wymyśla lub tworzy użyteczny przedmiot lub proces, nieistniejący w przeszłości. Ta książka opowiada o życiu i pracy ludzi, których odkrycia stanowią dzisiaj dla nas przedmioty codziennego użytku.... czytaj dalej