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Copenhagen City Guide 2e
Sally O'Brien Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Welcome to Scandinavia's coolest capital, where life is easy, the locals laid back and anything goes. Compact and cosy, this ultra-stylish harbour town has great shopping, a thriving counterculture and a renowned... czytaj dalej

Wales TSK 3e
D. Atkinson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Includes information on medieval castles, countryside and nature. ... czytaj dalej

Vietnamese Phrasebook 3e
Thinh Hoang,Quynh-Tram Trinh,Nguyen Thu Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The most enjoyable and rewarding way to get to know a place is by meeting the local people. Vietnamese is a vibrant language and even a little knowledge will help visitors gain an understanding of Vietnamese... czytaj dalej

Hawaii The Big Island 1e
Conner Gorry,Julie Jares Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This guide features a special section on volcanoes, plus the best-of outdoor activities such as swimming, surfing and hiking, as well as coverage of the Hilo and Kona coasts and where to lounge with the laid-back locals. ... czytaj dalej

Las Vegas City Guide 3e
Sara Benson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This handy guide is just the right size for the intrepid city wanderer. Razor sharp coverage of Strip casinos, where to stay, eat and sightsee, plus the lowdown on the best splurges, designer shops and spas.... czytaj dalej

Scandinavian Europe TSK 7e
Bain Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Beyond the Arctic Circle the aurora borealis tangoes across the night sky, in Stockholm tangled streets beg to be explored, and a wild weekend runtur in Reykjavík will leave you thirsting for more. Start your... czytaj dalej

South Africa Lesotho & Swaziland TSK 7e
Mary Fitzpatrick Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A multi country guide to increasingly popular South Africa, Lesotho and Swaziland. With a full colour wildlife guide and in depth coverage of the music of South Africa. ... czytaj dalej

Rowerem do Santiago de Compostela, czyli jak dotarłem do Grobu św. Jakuba
Piotr Kopacz Wydawnictwo: inne

Bardzo osobista, miejscami refleksyjna opowieść o wyprawie do grobu św. Jakuba, jednego z apostołów Chrystusa. Starodawny szlak tej wędrówki, określany mianem camino, cieszy się coraz większą... czytaj dalej

Sardinia TSK 2e
P. Hardy Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Fiercely independent but unquestionably Italian, secluded Sardinia is at last revealing its secrets to the rest of the world. The unspoilt, idyllic beaches and jewel-coloured waters are offset by rugged mountains... czytaj dalej

Central Asia Phrasebook 2e
Justin Rudelson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Buy all 3 and save! CENTRAL ASIA TRAVEL PACK Central Asia + Central Asia phrasebook + Travel Journal (Colour Cover) This new phrasebook is your key to travelling the famed Silk Road, with essential words... czytaj dalej