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Buy all 3 and save! BRAZIL TRAVEL PACK Brazil + Rio de Janeiro + Brazilian Portuguese phrasebook Smoother than capoeira, fresher than a caipirinha, tastier than an empada. Make the most of your travels with... czytaj dalej
Buy all 3 and save! SRI LANKA TRAVEL PACK Healthy Travel Asia India + Sinhala phrasebook + Sri Lanka Make the most of your travel in Sri Lanka: speak Sinhala! If you're after a ticket for the cricket, the... czytaj dalej
Voices woven through staccato rhythms lead you to a narrow alley. Laughter flows from beneath a door. It opens to a kaleidoscope of sound and colour, led by an azmari singing a song of invitation. A waiter... czytaj dalej
Załatwianie wiz w ambasadzie Republiki Beninu w Lagos trwało bardzo krótko chociaż normalnie odbiór paszportu odbywa się następnego dnia. Takie przyśpieszenie uzyskaliśmy dzięki uprzejmej prośbie wspartej upominkiem... czytaj dalej
'Insight Pocket Guides' are itinerary-based guides focusing on the best things to see and do, picked by our local correspondents. They are ideal for visitors new to a destination and perhaps pressed for time... czytaj dalej
Includes walks throughout England, Wales and Scotland. This work also contains two-colour contour maps for every walk. It offers accommodation and transport information, with a colour section on the best walks... czytaj dalej
Rice is the world's most important food (in calories consumed it's number one) but also the most beautiful. Whether its dropping down a hillside in the Phillippines, China or Indonesia, each step a little masterpiece... czytaj dalej
Beat the crowds and the hype to sweet Ljubljana. Browse from antiques and crafts, then treat yourself to divine cake in a frescoed teahouse. Wander along cobbled streets, past elaborately painted buildings... czytaj dalej
Suffused with colonial history, New England is a splendid mixture of Old World charm and New World sophistication. Whether you're searching for the tastiest clam chowder, the brightest fall foliage or the quintessential... czytaj dalej
Whether you are cruising through the outer islands, dining out in a waterfront restaurant in Suva or hiking along inland trails - a little Fijian will open up this tropical wonderland. Lonely Planet's practical... czytaj dalej