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World Food New Orleand 1e
P. Johnson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

New Orleans' kitchens are home to a world of flavors. French colonists, African slaves and Native Americans have influenced what goes into the gumbo pot, and have shaped the festivals for which Creoles, Cajuns... czytaj dalej

Russia & Belarus TSK 4e
Richmond Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Buy all 3 and save! ST PETERSBURG TRAVEL PACK Russia Belarus + Russian phrasebook + St Petersburg Also: Moscow travel pack: Russia Belarus + Moscow + Russian phrasebook Cosmopolitan cities, bubbling volcanoes... czytaj dalej

Cycling Australia 1e
Wells Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Cycle the best of Australia, with 31 tours along great beaches, across the High Country and through quiet country towns. Find a tour to suit you: explore Sydneyĺs famous harbour; enjoy a few days of wineries... czytaj dalej

Diving & Snorkeling Bahamas 1e
M. Lawrence Wydawnictwo: angielskie

With 25 island groups strewn across miles of transparent blue seas, the Bahamas offers an extensive variety of marine adventures. Dive with sharks, swim with dolphins, and explore sunlit reefs, mysterious blue... czytaj dalej

Italy The Best Travel Writing from the "New York Times"
U. Eco Wydawnictwo: angielskie

From the Veneto in the north, Emiglia Romana in the centre, to Puglia and Sicily in the south, each of the twenty regions of Italy is distinct in its food, language, history, and people. Experience every remarkable... czytaj dalej

Poland Rough Guide
Mark Salter,Gordon McLachlan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

These guides offer detailed coverage of both provincial and urban areas, especially Warsaw and, more importantly, Krak w. The outdoor recreation for which Poland is deservedly well known gets its due. The Rough... czytaj dalej

World Food Portugal 1e
Lynelle Scott-Aitken,Clara Vitorino Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Buy all 3 and save! A TASTE OF PORTUGAL Portugal + Portuguese phrasebook + World Food Portugal Put simply, if you love food, you'll love Portugal. In your hands is the definitive guide to eating in Portugal... czytaj dalej

Księga przyrodniczo-krajoznawcza Polski
Knaflewska Jadwiga, Siemionowicz Michał, Kaczmarek Tomasz i inni Wydawnictwo: Publicat

Najważniejsze środowiska naturalne PolskiNajciekawsze gatunki rodzimej fauny i floryDzikie i niedostępne miejsca przedstawione na unikatowych fotografiachGeografia, położenie i krainy geograficzne Polski... czytaj dalej

Diving & Snorkeling Thailand 1e
Strickland,John Williams Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Bathed by the waters of two oceans, Thailand's rich and varied diving environments are home to colorful coral reefs and an impressive diversity of marine life. Dive the shallows of Ko Tao or watch for whale... czytaj dalej

Diving & Snorkeling Scotland 1e
Lawson Wood Wydawnictwo: angielskie

31 dive sites in Scotland, including Shetland Islands, Orkney Islands and Scapa Flow, Outer Hebrides and Northwest Coast, Inner Hebrides West Coast and East Coast. Dive highlights: One of the top wreck diving... czytaj dalej