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A new edition of the only compact and all-embracing textbook of basic science for trainee ophthalmologists.The only comprehensive book of this type for trainee ophthalmologists. Other books available only... czytaj dalej
Comprehensive, this 2-volume text covers all injuries to the musculoskeletal system. It explains the basic science underpinning fracture management, rationales for selecting particular techniques and how to... czytaj dalej
The New Edition of this popular resource presents the most recent advances in the therapeutic care of infants, children, and adolescents in all areas of pediatrics (including medical therapy, surgery of all... czytaj dalej
This title encourages the ophthalmologist to view the patient as a whole to aid with the differential diagnosis of systemic and ocular signs. It comprehensively covers all systemic diseases associated with... czytaj dalej
Previously titled ABC of Work Related Disorders, David Snashall and Dipti Patel are updating the book for GPs. The new edition will also help medical and nursing professionals taking Occupational Health exams... czytaj dalej
Reference for physiotherapists, rehabilitation professionals, coaches and athletes. This book offers strategies for recognising and treating cases of sport concussion, and provides a comprehensive review of... czytaj dalej
This dictionary provides the user with a range of the vocabulary currently being used in health care situations that is likely to be encountered by nurses and other health care professionals in their daily... czytaj dalej
Erudite yet intensely practical, this long-awaited book provides a definitive and comprehensive account of modern contact lens practice. Both practitioners in and students of optometry and dispensing optics... czytaj dalej
This new edition of a highly regarded standard text continues to focus on an ethic of care, while significantly enhancing and strengthening its theoretical basis. Extensively revised and updated in both content... czytaj dalej
Features new section on refractive surgery and expanded sections on conjunctivitis; lids, orbit andlacrimal disorders; cornea; pediatric ophthalmology; optic nerve anomalies; retinal abnormalities and more... czytaj dalej