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Najnowsze wydanie Braunwald's Heart Disease zawiera 30 całkowicie nowych rozdziałów a informacje wcześniej publikowane zostały uzupełnione i uaktualnione. Zespół redakcyjny składający się z 98 światowej sławy... czytaj dalej
With an invaluable selection of color images, this guide authoritatively covers the identification, assessment, pathophysiology, epidemiology, and treatment of disorders affecting the venous and lymphatic anatomy... czytaj dalej
This reference examines the most recent innovations in separation science for improved sensitivity and cost-efficiency, increased speed, higher sample throughput, and lower solvent consumption in the assessment... czytaj dalej
The only book to bring together all technical information necessary to develop and market pharmaceutical dosage forms that meet current quality and regulatory requirements. Provides in-depth descriptions and... czytaj dalej
For athletic directors who handle any aspect of hiring maintaining or managing staff, this text explains how to develop leadership, people and management skills. It offers advice on helping student athletes... czytaj dalej
The newest addition to the AAOS 'Monograph' series, this title offers orthopaedic surgeons detailed information and instruction relating to thoracolumbar fractures. ... czytaj dalej
Essentials helps colleagues of orthopaedic surgeons (including primary care physicians) diagnose, treat and manage 300+ of the most commonly seen musculoskeletal conditions. NEW to this edition: physical therapy... czytaj dalej
The Respiratory System at a Glance is a concise, readily accessible introduction and revision text for medical students. Part of the At a Glance series, the book uses one page of illustrations and one page... czytaj dalej
With an ever increasing ageing population, medical students need a concise introduction to this challenging client group. The book aims to give the reader an understanding of the physiological changes of ageing... czytaj dalej
A set of lecture notes, this book offers the information needed to get through a course or prepare for exams. It covers the essential concepts of each discipline or specialty; learning features; and review questions.... czytaj dalej