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This is the second edition of a book first published 15 years ago as "Dermatologic Drug Directory". The book was originally intended as a guide to the drugs required to treat skin diseases. However... czytaj dalej
All ultrasound practitioners have to have a good knowledge of anatomy in order to know where to aim the sonography and how to interpret the images produced. Understanding the location of various organs and... czytaj dalej
Embryologie in Wort und Bild ideal zum Lernen und Nachschlagen Komplizierte Vorgänge verstehen: detailgenau gestaltete FarbtafelnDas gesamte Fach im Überblick: ausführliches Inhaltsverzeichnis mit Kernsätzen... czytaj dalej
A guide to the application of endoscope technology in neurootology and skull base surgery. The text gives special coverage to evaluating cerebellopontine angle pathology and endoscopic operations that can be performed there.... czytaj dalej
2004 RSNA Bestseller!Early detection is our most effective means for reducing the number of unnecessary deaths caused by breast cancer; however, the lack of skilled mammographic readings, especially in early... czytaj dalej
Prion diseases, also known as Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (TSEs), exist in both humans (Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD)) and animals (scrapie, bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), chronic wasting... czytaj dalej
Following 50 years of glucocorticoid use in a clinical setting, an international body of expert scientists and physicians presents the most expansive survey of glucocorticoid pharmacology to date. This work... czytaj dalej
This volume offers a broad and interdisciplinary view of modern approaches to drug discovery as used by pharmaceutical companies and research institutes. It comprehensively covers proteomics, bioinformatics... czytaj dalej
Neurose, Psychosomatik und Psychotherapie sind Begriffe, die gegenwärtig einem Bedeutungswandel unterliegen, auch gerade weil die Bedeutung der Praxis, für die sie stehen, immer mehr zunimmt. Diese Einführung... czytaj dalej
Konzentrative Bewegung und die bewusste Wahrnehmung des Körpers bieten eine ganzheitliche Behandlungsmöglichkeit z. B. bei chronischem Schmerz, Sucht, Trauma, Schizophrenie, Persönlichkeitsstörungen oder psychosomatischen... czytaj dalej