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This volume looks at assistive technologies for people who have limited independence, and the concept of the "smart home", where a user has several heterogeneous systems, providing multiple and complementary... czytaj dalej
The Medicine Meets Virtual Reality conference is a leading forum for surgical simulation and its supporting technologies, haptics and modeling. Assessment and validation studies of newly developed simulation... czytaj dalej
This textbook, as in previous editions, describes the changes in a woman's lifeline from the menopause transitions through the late geripause. It serves as an accurate reference and a current resource; including... czytaj dalej
Czwarte wydanie tej książki zawiera najnowsze informacje z zakresu działania leków na podstawie patogenezy procesów chorobotwórczych.Książka zawiera zwięzły opis właściwości farmakologicznych leków w poszczególnych... czytaj dalej
Completely updated, thoroughly referenced, and well illustrated, the fourth edition of Gerald Fenichels classic review, "Neonatal Neurology" walks you through the latest advances in the clinical diagnosis... czytaj dalej
Established as the standard reference on cardiopulmonary bypass, Dr. Gravlee's text is now in its Third Edition. This comprehensive, multidisciplinary text covers all aspects of cardiopulmonary bypass including... czytaj dalej
This issue of "Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics" serves as a comprehensive text on pain management. All anatomical areas are extensively evaluated and treatment options given. Pain that... czytaj dalej
Naprzemienne stosowanie treningu muskulatury i rozciągania mięśni stanowi najlepszą metodę zwiększania siły, mocy oraz zakresu ruchomości mięśniowej. Trenowanie według tych wskazówek pozwala ćwiczącemu poznać... czytaj dalej
Written by current and former surgical oncology fellows of the world-renowned M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, this portable handbook is a practical guide to established surgical oncology principles for each organ... czytaj dalej
Hundreds of genomes have been completely sequenced in the past decade, significantly advancing our understanding of genome structure and function. 'Genomes' comprises a collection of review articles reprinted... czytaj dalej