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Asymptomatic Carotid Artery Stenosis
Moussa Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This well-illustrated text reviews the current state of knowledge with regard to the various anatomic and physiologic methods available to identify asymptomatic patients who are at high risk to develop a future... czytaj dalej

Congenital Heart Disease in Adult
W. Gersony Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Now under the care of cardiologists and GP's, patients with congenital heart problems have special diagnosis and treatment considerations. The book will cover specific problems. Each disease will be described... czytaj dalej

First Aid for the Wards
Bhushan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

First Aid is the world's best-selling medical exam preparation series By the same authors of the annual best-seller First Aid for the USMLE Step I Audience: US and Canadian Medical Students in their clinical... czytaj dalej

Women's Health A Handbook for Nurses
Sutherland Wydawnictwo: inne

This is a portable book highlighting good practice in nursing. Essentially the book sets out to give the practitioner the succinct message of what he/she needs in order to give the best possible nursing care... czytaj dalej

Cardiac Vascular & Thoracic Anesthesia
J. Youngberg Wydawnictwo: inne

This text will be the first to integrate cardiac, thoracic, and vascular anesthesia in one book. The book provides a solid foundation of general principles including preoperative assessment, cost-benefit effectiveness... czytaj dalej

Staged Diabetes Management
R. Mazze Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Staged Diabetes Management continues the four decade tradition of theInternational Diabetes Center by providing clinical pathways that improvecare practices. SDM uses evidence-based medicine to address the... czytaj dalej

Instant Allergy Manual
N. Mygind Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Allergic diseases are now extremely common, having increased in frequency over the last 30 years. More than 30% of the total population suffers from excema, hay fever or asthma--which apparently have become... czytaj dalej

UCV Step 1 Pahrmacology
Bhushan Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This revised edition is a primary source for clinically relevant, case-based material essential for Step 1 review. Each Clinical Vignette simulates USMLE format, and includes classic buzzwords in Hx, PE, lab... czytaj dalej

Medical Genetics at a Glance
Pritchard Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Medical Genetics at a Glance is a concise, well-illustrated and accessible genetics textbook. It follows the now familiar, easy-to-use, double page spread format of the At a Glance series. Each double page... czytaj dalej

Hot Topics in Urology 8e
Kirby Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Written by the "who's who" of urology, Recent Advances in Urology succinctly profiles the most exciting and current development in urology today. Experts cover the evidence for and give their viewpoints... czytaj dalej