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This title contains the latest techniques on stereotaxis and brain mapping, image-guided interventional radiology and neuroendoscopy. The contributions are provided by an international group of neurosurgeons... czytaj dalej
This practical reference guide focuses on diagnostic and therapeutic angiography with an emphasis on successful interventional radiology techniques and outcomes. ... czytaj dalej
Ideal for radiology residents and technicians, this concise "workbook" is the perfect guide to the use of ultrasound scanners. Designed as a learning tool, it introduces the various applications of... czytaj dalej
George Laskaris is renowned for his excellent Color Atlas of Oral Diseases, one of Thiemes all-time bestsellers. This new title by Laskaris represents the ideal companion to the atlas, providing a logical extension... czytaj dalej
This extensively illustrated guide is the first English-language text to present a comprehensive analysis of the sonographic aspects of abdominal transplantation. The book provides full coverage of the entire... czytaj dalej
An aid to solving the diagnostic problems posed by oral diseases, primarily for practicing dentists, specialists in oral medicine, oral pathologists and surgeons, dermatologists, and otorhinolaryngologists... czytaj dalej
Progress in medicine has often been initiated by discoveries and results from various disciplines of natural science. One of the most famous examples is the X-ray. In this case, its importance with respect... czytaj dalej
Das Themenspektrum des Buches: Der aktuelle Forschungsstand zu den Fragen einer möglicherweise psychosozial bedingten Krebsgenese und -progression: Ausführlich werden alle wichtigen einschlägigen Studien zitiert... czytaj dalej
Sie sind schwierig. Sie machen Probleme. Von Behandlung wollen sie meist nichts wissen. Therapeuten, die mit ihnen zu tun haben, sind häufig rat- und hilflos. Die Behandlung traumatisierter Jugendlicher ist... czytaj dalej
During the twentieth century, medicine has been radically transformed and powerfully transformative. In 1900, western medicine was important to philanthropy and public health, but it was marginal to the state... czytaj dalej