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Ernsting's Aviation Medicineapplies current understanding in medicine, physiology, and the behavioral sciences to the stresses faced by both civil and military aircrew on a daily basis.The fourth edition of... czytaj dalej
User-friendly in its presentation, this concise text avoids dry language and complex formulas which can be intimidating. Illustrates the application of statistics by using examples drawn from published biomedical... czytaj dalej
"Skuteczne leczenie migreny jest zadaniem trudnym, lecz satysfakcjonującym. Wymaga od lekarza pełnego zaangażowania. Prawdopodobnie żadna inna choroba nie jest przyczyną tylu godzin cierpienia. Migrena... czytaj dalej
Dzięki książce dowiemy się, jak rozpoznawać objawy migreny, sporządzić kalendarz bólów głowy, uzyskać prawidłowe rozponanie, nauczyć się (a także swoich bliskich) radzić sobie z migreną.... czytaj dalej
Now, medical students preparing for Step 2 of the USMLE have a unique study tool for the newly instituted OSCE and CSA simulated patient examinations. Working with actors posing as standardized patients, students... czytaj dalej
Pediatric intensivists, cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, and anesthesiologists from the leading centers around the world present the collaborative perspectives, concepts, and state-of - the-art knowledge required... czytaj dalej
Keeping doctors informed of the latest developments in the field, this 2003 yearbook provides authoritative comment on pharmacological management, the practice of interventional techniques and the latest advances... czytaj dalej
Detailed diagrams on topographical anatomy, with numerical labels for self-reviewStep-by-step instructions on the placement of CVCs and chest tubesImages to illustrate all common abnormalitiesDetailed diagrams... czytaj dalej
1. Problem-solving approach through use of question-oriented exercise in each chapter2. Includes all modalities: Conventional radiography, nuclear medicine, ultrasonography, computed tomography, and magnetic... czytaj dalej
A comprehensive textbook including discussion of anaesthesia methods and implications for every ophthalmic surgical technique. The subspecialties of cataract, corneal, refractive, glaucoma, strabismus, oculoplastic... czytaj dalej