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Intended to stimulate appropriate patterns of clinical thought in medical students, this guide tackles important medical and surgical topics from a problem-orientated angle, using case scenarios which encourage... czytaj dalej
Every chiropractic professional and researcher should read and own a copy of this invaluable resource. It gives readers and enhanced understanding of the upper cervical spine basic science, theoretic science... czytaj dalej
Now it is possible to own the complete 4 volume set of Dr. Krachmer's Cornea and Cornea Colour Atlas, the largest major reference work available on the cornea, in a convenient CD-ROM format. This all inclusive... czytaj dalej
This atlas will show the panoply of infections caused by fungi, emphasizing the visual clues to diagnosis of specific fungal diseases. The entire spectrum, from noninvasive cutaneous infections to systemic... czytaj dalej
This CD-ROM contains over 200 images of ovarian histopathology with captions including a title of the lesion, special comments (where applicable) and differential diagnosis (where applicable). The program has... czytaj dalej
Jest to nowoczesny podręcznik, od dawna oczekiwany na uczelniach ze względu nas rozszerzony program nauczania anestezjologii i intensywnej terapii. Został opracowany przez znakomity zespół autorów reprezentujących... czytaj dalej
Niniejsza pozycja przedstawia ogromnie interesujące materiały umożliwiające samodzielne doświadczenie energii życiowej oraz wykorzystywanie jej dla poprawy zdrowia.Dzięki olbrzymiej wiedzy praktycznej oraz... czytaj dalej
Emotionally and physically devastating, anorexia nervosa is the third most common chronic illness in teenage girls, striking one in every two hundred (boys only make up 10 per cent of all cases). And while... czytaj dalej
Crash Course! is a revision series for students on system based and integrated courses. An illustrated outline format in bite-sized chunks makes the content easy to absorb. Hints and Tips and Comprehension... czytaj dalej
Essential Cell Biology, Second Edition contains basic, core knowledge about how cells work. It has a proven track record in providing students with a conceptual and accessible grounding in cell biology. The... czytaj dalej