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Good Manufacturing Practices for Pharmaceuticals
Joseph Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Offering a wide assortment of illustrative examples and 483 expert observations, this Sixth Edition is significantly expanded to reflect the explosion of information and changing practices in cGMP regulation... czytaj dalej

Emergency Medicine: A Comprehensive Study Guide
J. Tintinalli Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Pharmacologic Considerations added throughout (such as pharmacology of interactions/allergies to pain medications, pharmacology of asthma drugs; special pharmacologic considerations for diabetic patients) ... czytaj dalej

How We Live Wisdom of Body
S. Nuland Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Aims to help those of us whose familiarity with our own bodies is surprisingly sketchy. Where is your spleen and what does it do? What is the thyroid? Nuland answers such questions as these, explaining the... czytaj dalej

Textbook of Endocrine Physiology
James Griffin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This widely used text provides a thoroughly updated account of current knowledge in the endocrine sciences. Each chapter is structured to cover both established concepts and recent developments. The chapters... czytaj dalej

Hematologic Pathophysiology
F. Schiffman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This volume enables students to master the science and clinical applications of hematologic pathophysiology and develop the problem-solving skills that are needed for exams and clinical rotations. The book... czytaj dalej

Musculoskeletal Medicine & Surgery
J. Andrew,Ariane Herrick,David Marsh Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book is designed for new courses which have an integrated, systems based approach to orthopaedics and rheumatology. The text presents a fully integrated treatment of the essential core of knowledge in... czytaj dalej

Coronary Artery Disease
Brubaker Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Supplemented by case studies, this text allows readers to follow the process of how CAD is evaluated and what interventions are used to manage this disease. Particular attention is given to lifestyle modifications... czytaj dalej

Bascom Palmer Eye Institute Atlas of Opthalmology
R. Parrish Wydawnictwo: brak danych

System RequirementsPC Windows: CD-ROM drive; 386 or better, minimum 4 MB of RAM; VGA or EGA monitor; DOS 3.1 or higher; Windows 3.1 or higher.Macintosh: 68020 or better; minimum 6 MB of RAM; System 7 or higher... czytaj dalej

Lewis's Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Martin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Established for fifteen years as the standard work in the field, Melvin Lewis's Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: A Comprehensive Textbook is now in its Fourth Edition. Under the editorial direction of Andrés... czytaj dalej

Zespół przwelekłego zmęczenia
Ginni Mansberg, Anne Thomson Wydawnictwo: Klub Dla Ciebie

"* Dlaczego jestem bez przerwy zmęczony?* Czy moje samopoczucie to powód do obaw?* Co mogę zrobić, by odzyskać energię?Świat opanowała nowa epidemia ? epidemia nieustającego zmęczenia? Pośpiech charakterystyczny... czytaj dalej