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This manual is a practical how-to guide to vascular interventional procedures for all arteries and veins outside the coronary vascular system. The book provides the information needed to evaluate patients and... czytaj dalej
Potrawy leczą ... albo szkodzą. Pożywienie bywa lekiem, ale może być także trucizną. To co jemy i jak przyrządzamy posiłki w dużym stopniu wpływa na nasze zdrowie i samopoczucie, a nawet, jak dowiedziono, na... czytaj dalej
"Bycie ekspertem w sprawach klinicznych - zakłada na wstępie autor - nie jest tożsame z byciem ekspertem w sprawach moralnych". Każda bez wyjątku decyzja podejmowana przez lekarza wiąże się z przyjęciem... czytaj dalej
Control of Hospital Infection is the definitive, clinically oriented guide providing comprehensive practical advice for all those who are involved in the control of infection. The fourth edition of this classic... czytaj dalej
This work seeks to provide answers to questions such as: can dinosaurs really be created from their ancestral blood?; can replicas of famous people be cloned?; can tomatoes be engineered to not soften on the... czytaj dalej
This Handbook is designed as the only comprehensive work available that covers the diversity of aging models currently available. For each animal model, it presents key aspects of biology, nutrition, factors... czytaj dalej
This is the third edition of the UK 'bible' of occupational medicine. This unique publication provides the most comprehensive information and guidance on the effects of medical conditions on employment and... czytaj dalej
The organisation and presentation of the book is based on the open-learning model. Chapter overviews summarise the content of each chapter. Learning objectives outline what each student should learn from each... czytaj dalej
...Provides the latest advances in the explosive growth of nitric oxide (NO) study-covering the behavior of this highly reactive molecule in a wide variety of physiologicial processes, including respiration... czytaj dalej
This mini-textbook uses the same successful question-and-answer format of the Secrets series and covers all the latest treatments for a wide variety of neoplastic disease. Sections cover general concepts, general... czytaj dalej