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17 CZERWCA 2004
xxxHolic tom 4
CLAMP Wydawnictwo: inne

It’s Valentine’s Day–and while Domeki is showered with chocolates and cards from girls, Watanuki receives none. To make matters worse, he must also do the usual chores for Yûko, which... czytaj dalej

Beck tom 19
Harold Sakuishi Wydawnictwo: inne

The band members accidentally get themselves booked on their first American tour, but Ryusuke has disappeared! Jet-lagged, exhausted and unable to get in a groove without Ryusuke, Beck's first American tour... czytaj dalej

16 CZERWCA 2004
The Prince of Tennis tom 2
Takeshi Konomi Wydawnictwo: inne

Ryoma Echizen, the Prince of Tennis, has just enrolled at Seishun Academy after spending several years in America winning 4 consecutive US Junior Tournaments. His cool confidence raises the hackles of a few... czytaj dalej

08 CZERWCA 2004
Trigun Maximum tom 1
Yasuhiro Nightow Wydawnictwo: inne

Our hero Vash the Stampede disappeared for two years after blasting a crater onto the moon orbiting the desert planet he saved from annihilation. But, with good and bad people alike trying to track him down... czytaj dalej

Samurai Deeper Kyo tom 7
Akimine Kamijyo Wydawnictwo: inne

A showdown of epic propoortions is about to take place as Sasuke realizes that he and Kyo share more than the murderous intent in their eyes! They both two wield the same Muramasa sword that was rumored to... czytaj dalej

Chrno Crusade tom 1
Daisuke Moriyama Wydawnictwo: inne

Co powiedzielibyście na pakt diabła z… zakonnicą? I to zakonnicą niezupełnie standardową, bo młodą, pyskatą i będącą w stanie zniszczyć wszystko, co ma nieszczęście znaleźć się w jej zasięgu –... czytaj dalej

Magic Knight Rayearth tom 6
CLAMP Wydawnictwo: inne

The Battle for Cephiro Ends Here! Three invading countries have come to claim Cephiro as their own, and each will stop at nothing until it is victorious! But according to ancient law, only one can survive to... czytaj dalej

Pretear tom 1
Junichi Sato, Kaoei Naruse Wydawnictwo: inne

Himeno is a high school freshman who's having trouble adjusting to the lifestyle of the very rich. Her father, Kaoru, is a one-time famous author of young girls' novels. One of his greatest fans was Natsue... czytaj dalej

07 CZERWCA 2004
Karate Shoukoushi Kohinata Minoru tom 16
Yasushi Baba Wydawnictwo: inne

Kohinata Minoru is a college student at a college that is popular for its sports rather than academic orientation. Although he starts out as a gymnast alongside his friend, Nana, Minoru is bullied by the higher... czytaj dalej

04 CZERWCA 2004
Black Cat, Vol. 18
Kentaro Yabuki Wydawnictwo: inne

Train Heartnet, also known as "Black Cat," was an infamous assassin for a secret organization called Chronos...until he abandoned that cold-blooded existence to live on his own terms as an easygoing bounty... czytaj dalej