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This story features a college student, that everyone describes as 'cold,' being hired to look after a professor's cute 5-year old son, which leads to looking after the father, which leads to falling in love... czytaj dalej
Things are going fairly smoothly between Tsukushi and her on-and-off boyfriend Tsukasa, but the bliss can't last for long... Deep in the heart of New York City Tsukasa's conniving mother is cooking up another... czytaj dalej
Though not in full recognition, Oto instantly falls in love with Jin for his daring ways and the un-human like traits he holds. She soon meets the other residents of Class Z, some who seem ordinary, some who... czytaj dalej
With the destruction of the Katana motorcycle club, there's an opening at Todoh High. Shin fills the void, creating the Juken Club to restore the school's fragile order. Only problem: no one wants to join the... czytaj dalej
W 1992 roku Neji i jego narzeczona zostali zamrożeni w komorach kriogenicznych po tym jak zginęli podczas ucieczki porywaczom. Ponad 40 lat później Neji budzi się w jednym z laboratoriów GERY, która prowadzi... czytaj dalej
Drama and passions ignite when Katou and Iwaki are selected for the leads in opposing drama series. As their busy schedules keep them apart, each man's yearnings surge within until they reach a boiling point... czytaj dalej
When Koki's mysterious older brother Yoji shows a blossoming interest in her, Tanpopo finds him hard to resist. In order to give her feelings for Koki a rest, Tanpopo quits the Gardening Committee, and without... czytaj dalej
Od przeznaczenia nie można uciec... Przyszłość. Na gruzach zniszczonego świata grupa osób przygotowuje się do walki. Teraźniejszość, Tokio. Po sześciu latach wymuszonej nieobecności do miasta powraca... czytaj dalej
Oto Tachibana, a 17-year-old, good-natured and caring girl, decides to earn her own school fees from now on, so she takes a job at her new school as a dormitory maid for "Class Z," an elitist class full of... czytaj dalej
After a long absence, the young shaman Samizo Kohei returns from the dead with a prophecy of the apocalypse. Or part of him returns, at least - most of his body has been replaced with the transplanted body... czytaj dalej