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12 LIPCA 2005
GetBackers tom 10
Yuya Aoki, Rando Ayamine, Kibayashi Shin Wydawnictwo: inne

With Ginji now in full Lightning Lord mode, he begins his rematch with the ever-dangerous Akabane. Ban finally disposes of Fudou, and rushes to stop Ginji and Akabane from killing each other. However, MakubeX... czytaj dalej

06 LIPCA 2005
The Prince of Tennis tom 8
Takeshi Konomi Wydawnictwo: inne

As far as winning strategies go, no effective game plan can be carried out without one essential factor--stamina. And when Seishun Academy's Eiji succumbs to exhaustion, their chances of securing the crucial... czytaj dalej

Karate Shoukoushi Kohinata Minoru tom 20
Yasushi Baba Wydawnictwo: inne

Kohinata Minoru is a college student at a college that is popular for its sports rather than academic orientation. Although he starts out as a gymnast alongside his friend, Nana, Minoru is bullied by the higher... czytaj dalej

05 LIPCA 2005
Rainbow tom 10
Abe George, Kakizaki Masasumi Wydawnictwo: inne

Six minors (16 or 17 years) answering to the nicknames of Joe, Mario, Suppon, Baremoto, Heitai and Kyabetsu are put into a reformatory for offences such as aggravated assault, swindle, flight, etc. Their stay... czytaj dalej

Ouran High School Host Club tom 1
Bisco Hatori Wydawnictwo: inne

One day, Haruhi, a scholarship student at exclusive Ouran High School, breaks an $80,000 vase that belongs to the 'Host Club', a mysterious campus group consisting of six super-rich (and gorgeous) guys. To... czytaj dalej

Busou Renkin tom 8
Nobuhiro Watsuki Wydawnictwo: inne

Kazuki and Tokiko are on the run from the hunters of the Alchemist Warriors! Tokiko, now reduced to the size of a doll, fights alongside Kazuki and Gouta as they take on three of the hunters and Captain Bravo... czytaj dalej

04 LIPCA 2005
D.Gray-man tom 5
Katsura Hoshino Wydawnictwo: inne

Allen starts to question the Black Ministry about the "Clan of Noah" and the reason he became an Exorcist. With his left eye injured and incapable of detecting akuma, he has come to understand the constant... czytaj dalej

Katekyo Hitman Reborn! tom 5
Akira Amano Wydawnictwo: inne

Tsuna becomes the protector of a master statistician and his book of statistics, which supposedly holds the key to Mafia control of the world! Naturally, other gangs would like to have this book, but that isn't... czytaj dalej

01 LIPCA 2005
Private Prince tom 1
Maki Enjoji Wydawnictwo: inne

His highness the prince of Estolia Wilfred became an exchange student in Eito University. His noble appearance and gentleman’s manners quickly filled the campus with hysterical women’s voices. Miyako... czytaj dalej

Mugen no Roukaku
Mizukami Shin Wydawnictwo: inne

1) Dreamy Pavilion Like the famous Chinese beauty he played on the stage in the Peking opera "Farewell My Concubine", Hien longed for a love worth dying for. Will Seijo, a foster son of an eunuch, fulfill... czytaj dalej