Norito Ogami, an average student, has a tendency to attract demons. Koma appears before Norito, in accordance with the "Sigil Oath," a promise Norito made in his past life with Koma. The two are attracted to each other but Koma's siblings and his beautiful archenemy stands in their way...!? Yokai's Hunger is an eternal love story between a high school senior and a middle-aged beast brought together by fate!
Wydawnictwo: inne
Data wydania: 2006-03-10
Kategoria: Komiksy
Liczba stron: 198
Owner of a rice shop, Kawada feeds a poor student, Mori, after he tried to steal food from his shop, saying 'The duty of a student is to study'; and starts...
Teruya has been in love with his teacher and local temple priest, Karou-sensei, since he was seven. But sensei just won't believe him! What will it take to get his attention?...
Przeczytane:2016-10-06, Ocena: 3, Przeczytałam,