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14 LUTEGO 2008
Yotsuba&! tom 7
Kiyohiko Azuma Wydawnictwo: inne

Mooooo…! MOOOO…! Cows are neato! It’s fun pretending to be a cow! And milk comes from cows, so I bet they’re real nice too. ‘Cos milk is super-yummy, right?! Yotsuba thinks so... czytaj dalej

12 LUTEGO 2008
Ze tom 6
Yuki Shimizu Wydawnictwo: inne

his volume finishes the story of Ryuusei and Moriya from book five. Youji gets attacked on his way home and Ryuusei blames himself. He becomes depressed and non-responsive to Moriya, who believes the only way... czytaj dalej

Ze tom 5
Yuki Shimizu Wydawnictwo: inne

Upon the death of his master, Kami-sama, Moriya was about to become "white-paper" but he chooses not to and, instead, calls on Ryusei. But Ryusei refuses to acknowledge his existence and makes it impossible... czytaj dalej

09 LUTEGO 2008
Suki de Shikatanai
Neneko Narazaki Wydawnictwo: inne

Serce Momozono zostało złamane, kiedy wyznał swoją miłość Isoyamie, jego nauczycielowi. Kiedy jego współlokator wyprowadza się, Momo poznaje Kuwanę. Chłopak szuka mieszkania dla swojego przyjaciela.... czytaj dalej

07 LUTEGO 2008
Samurai Deeper Kyo tom 17
Akimine Kamijyo Wydawnictwo: inne

At the second gate, the battle between Akira and Saisei begins! As the blind genius Akira falls before the might of the beautiful and mysterious Saisei, she reveals her true identity to him. Is there any way... czytaj dalej

05 LUTEGO 2008
Trigun Maximum tom 12
Yasuhiro Nightow Wydawnictwo: inne

With a fleet of rescue ships from Earth facing off against Knives, the humans in chaos on the ground, Livio renewing his struggle against Elendira, and Vash trying to keep everyone from getting hurt, Trigun... czytaj dalej

Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE tom 16
CLAMP Wydawnictwo: inne

The five dimension-hopping travelers have stuck together through all sorts of worlds and all kinds of harrowing adventures. But when the group enters the ruined city of Tokyo, two powerful fugitives set in... czytaj dalej

Aqua tom 2
Kozue Amano Wydawnictwo: inne

This sequel to "Aqua" is a gorgeously illustrated manga about a fantastical futuristic wonderland.... czytaj dalej

04 LUTEGO 2008
Katekyo Hitman Reborn! tom 18
Akira Amano Wydawnictwo: inne

The Power of the Rings Tsuna and his friends have been thrust ten years into the future, where all is decidedly not well. Their only hope of survival seems to lie with Lal Mirch, one-time associate of Tsuna's father Iemitsu.... czytaj dalej

Gintama tom 22
Hideaki Sorachi Wydawnictwo: inne

It's samurai vs. aliens! He's too busy fighting aliens, the yakuza and unemployment!... czytaj dalej