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01 CZERWCA 2001
Imadoki tom 4
Yuu Watase Wydawnictwo: inne

When Koki's mysterious older brother Yoji shows a blossoming interest in her, Tanpopo finds him hard to resist. In order to give her feelings for Koki a rest, Tanpopo quits the Gardening Committee, and without... czytaj dalej

Haru wo Daiteita tom 4
Nitta Youka Wydawnictwo: inne

Drama and passions ignite when Katou and Iwaki are selected for the leads in opposing drama series. As their busy schedules keep them apart, each man's yearnings surge within until they reach a boiling point... czytaj dalej

X/1999 tom 7
CLAMP Wydawnictwo: inne

Od przeznaczenia nie można uciec... Przyszłość. Na gruzach zniszczonego świata grupa osób przygotowuje się do walki. Teraźniejszość, Tokio. Po sześciu latach wymuszonej nieobecności do miasta powraca... czytaj dalej

Milk Crown tom 2
Aqua Mizuto Wydawnictwo: inne

Oto Tachibana, a 17-year-old, good-natured and caring girl, decides to earn her own school fees from now on, so she takes a job at her new school as a dormitory maid for "Class Z," an elitist class full of... czytaj dalej

Leviathan tom 4
Eiji Otsuka, Yuu Kinutani Wydawnictwo: inne

After a long absence, the young shaman Samizo Kohei returns from the dead with a prophecy of the apocalypse. Or part of him returns, at least - most of his body has been replaced with the transplanted body... czytaj dalej

15 MAJA 2001
Nana tom 3
Ai Yazawa Wydawnictwo: inne

This is the story of two 20-year old women who share the same name. Even though they come from completely different backgrounds, they somehow meet and become best friends. The world of NANA is a world exploding... czytaj dalej

Beck tom 7
Harold Sakuishi Wydawnictwo: inne

With brass in pocket, Beck's popularity is snowballing: CD sales are up in the U.S., and they keep booking great gigs. But not all is what it really seems to be. Eddie has a message for Ryusuke, and it doesn't... czytaj dalej

01 MAJA 2001
Black Cat. Vol.3.
Kentaro Yabuki Wydawnictwo: inne

Two years ago, Train, a high-level assassin known as Number XIII in Chronos, left the secret society to live by his own rules. Since then, Train has been a sweeper, a bounty hunter, catching criminals and bringing... czytaj dalej

Ririm Kiss vol. 1
Mizuki Kawashita Wydawnictwo: inne Tom 1 cyklu: Ririm Kiss

A suspicious pendant picked up one day by a high school student, Takaya Saiki. A mysterious beautiful girl comes out of it and kisses Takaya suddenly !? The seal of the enchanted demon Ririmu who kisses and... czytaj dalej

Bio-Meat: Nectar tom 6
Yuki Fujisawa Wydawnictwo: inne

Man is having a hard time finding food and getting rid of their trash, so science comes up with a bio-engineered animal that survives by eating trash, and is then killed to feed humanity. But the self-replicating... czytaj dalej