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Construction Business Management
N. Ganaway Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Only 43 per cent of U.S. construction firms remain in business after four years. Why? Inadequate management, according to the U.S. Small Business Administration. This is surprising because most construction... czytaj dalej

Sonic Experience a Guide to Everyday Sounds
Augoyard Wydawnictwo:

Never before has the "everyday soundtrack" of urban space been so cacophonous. Since the 1970s, sound researchers have attempted to classify noise, music, and everyday sounds using concepts such as... czytaj dalej

Davis Cup Yearbook
Harman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Two years ago, John Fitzgerald made the most difficult speech of his life, one of deep and gut-wrenching honesty, in congratulating the French on their victory in Melbourne. When he was summoned onto the grand... czytaj dalej

G. Matthews Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Over the last five decades pesticides have undoubtedly helped to increase agricultural production and control vectors of disease, however the environmental impact of long term agro-chemical use has been cause... czytaj dalej

Reducing Rural Poverty in Asia
Islam Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The majority of the world's poor live in Asia, and most of these live in rural areas. These areas are also infamous for the food insecurity and malnutrition associated with poverty. Making even a modest dent... czytaj dalej

Sleeping Spaces
L. Skolnik Wydawnictwo: angielskie

We spend a third of our lives sleeping, so where we actually lay our heads for this vital activity deserves more than a passing thought. Sleeping Spaces shows how to create a calming sanctuary from the outside... czytaj dalej

Room Recipes
J. Katz Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Just as the right mix of spices and foods make for a delicious meal, the right mix of design ingredients turns out delightful rooms. This accessible and inspiring book shares the recipes for 13 different styles... czytaj dalej

Jewish Kitchen
Hyman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"A wonderfully picturesque and well-written collection of kosher recipes and reminiscences from years gone by . . . This delightful cookbook will enhance any kitchen."--"Publishers Weekly."... czytaj dalej

Peter Walker & Partners Source Books in Landscape
J. Amidon Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Peter Walker and Partners / Nasher Foundation Sculpture Garden" focuses on his garden in Dallas, Texas, a set of 'outdoor galleries' showcasing the Nasher collection of modern and contemporary sculpture... czytaj dalej

Design of Dissent
M. Glaser Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Dissent is an essential part of keeping democratic societies healthy, and our ability as citizens to voice our opinion is not only our privilege but our responsibility. Without this dialogue, the backbone of... czytaj dalej