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Secure Online Business Handbook
Ch Ollington Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Web is an exciting but unstable place to do business. The potential rewards are high but so are the risks and the effective management of these risks ... czytaj dalej

Embedded Software
Walls Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Embedded software needs have grown exponentially over the past quarter century. In 1975 writing 10,000 lines of assembly code was a considered a huge undertaking. Today, a cell phone can contain five million... czytaj dalej

Techniques & Applications of Digital Watermarking & Content
Arnold Wydawnictwo: inne

Experts with the Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics in Darmstadt, Germany not only introduce digital watermarking and related media-specific security techniques, but also the intellectual property protection... czytaj dalej

Blobitecture Waveform Architecture & Digital Design
John Waters Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Apple iMac and the New Beetle, Embryological House and the Experience Music Project, the Palm V and the Oh Chair - all these innovative, trend-setting designs have been identified with a computer-generated... czytaj dalej

How to Cheat at Securing a Wireless Network
C. Hurley Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Wireless connectivity is now a reality in most businesses. Yet by its nature, wireless networks are the most difficult to secure and are often the favorite target of intruders. This book provides the busy network... czytaj dalej

Internet Election
Williams Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"The Internet Election" analyzes the unprecedented role of the Web in the 2004 presidential campaign with an eye toward future elections. Leading political communication scholars cover grassroots... czytaj dalej

8051 Microcontroller 4e
I. MacKenzie Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For 8051 Microcontroller courses requiring a time tested and classroom proven textbook.     MacKenzie's 8051 Microcontroller text emphasises the programming of the 8051 by illustrating the two most widely used... czytaj dalej

Modern Systems Analysis & Design
Hoffer Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For advanced undergraduate and graduate courses in Systems Analysis and Design taught from a business perspective.Modern Systems Analysis and Design offers separate coverage of Object-Oriented and Structured... czytaj dalej

ABC Outlook 2002/XP PL
Willett Edward C., Cummings Steve Wydawnictwo: Helion

Microsoft Outlook 2002 jest najnowszą wersją bardzo popularnego programu do przesyłania i organizowania wiadomości poczty elektronicznej, która wchodzi w skład pakietu programów biurowych Microsoft Office XP... czytaj dalej

Turbo Pascal. Leksykon kieszonkowy
Jan Zahorski, Andrzej Orłowski Wydawnictwo: Helion

Turbo Pascal, mimo tego, że może być uważany za weterana na rynku języków programowania, nadal cieszy się sporą popularnością, szczególnie wśród osób poznających podstawy samodzielnego tworzenia aplikacji... czytaj dalej