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Extreme Photography
Hope Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Photography is about much more than putting the camera to the eye and pressing the shutter. Sometimes what is being recorded is impossible to approach in a convetional way, for a number of reasons: it's too... czytaj dalej

Vija Celmins
Gober Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Vija Celmin's artworks testify to her undying fascination with the world around her, whether the commonplace objects in her studio; her childhood memories of wartorn Latvia; the natural landscapes of her adopted... czytaj dalej

To Sleep' Perchance to Dream
Ferdinando Scianna Wydawnictwo: angielskie

With this collection of photographs, interspersed with an anthology of quotations about sleeping and dreaming, Scianna takes us and himself on a journey inside a dimension of life that is natural and mysterious... czytaj dalej

Museum Watching
E. Ewitt Wydawnictwo: angielskie

'Photographer by profession and dedicated amateur by hobby', the ever-popular Elliott Erwitt prizes his personal snaps above all his work. When otherwise idle in New York or with spare time on his hands during... czytaj dalej

Elvis Ultimate Album Cover Bok
Paul Dowling Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For this entertaining, all-color book celebrating 'The King,' Paul Dowling, the world's foremost collector of Elvis records, has selected 226 of his favorite album covers. Many have rarely been seen, even by... czytaj dalej

Independent Movie Poster Book
S. Drate Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This visually stunning volume-the first movie poster book devoted exclusively to independent films-showcases some of the most provocative and original movie posters ever created. From David Lynch's cult classic... czytaj dalej

Life of Michelangelo Buonarroti 2 vols
J. Symonds Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Based on studies in the Archives of the Buonarroti family at Florence... czytaj dalej

Critical Modernism
Charles Jencks Wydawnictwo: angielskie

After developing for thirty years as a movement in the arts, after being disputed and celebrated, Post-Modernism has become an integral part of the cultural landscape. In this witty overview, Charles Jencks... czytaj dalej

Polskie sgraffita renesansowe
Rudkowski Tadeusz Wydawnictwo: DiG

Książka jest pierwszym monograficznym opracowaniem dekoracji sgraffitowych w Polsce. Autor na tle stosunków politycznych, artystycznych i gospodarczych panujących w Polsce w XVI i XVII wieku przedstawił rożne... czytaj dalej

Art of the First Cities
J. Aruz Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This handsomely illustrated book highlights one of the most important and creative periods in the history of art: a time marked by the appearance of the city states of the Sumerians, the citadel of Troy, the... czytaj dalej