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Seven Samurai & Other Screenplays
Kurosawa Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Presents three early works from the Japanese film maker Akira Kurosawa. In 'The Seven Samurai' (1954) the inhabitants of a small Japanese village employ a band of roaming Samurai to defend them. This film was... czytaj dalej

Bollywood Dreams
Jonathan Torgowvnik Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In Bollywood Dreams photographer Jonathan Torgovnik explores the beloved pastime of an Indian population of over 1 billion. As the largest film producer in the world with more than 800 films made each year... czytaj dalej

Technique of Film & Video Editing
Dancyger Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The Technique of Film Video Editing provides a detailed, precise look at the artistic and aesthetic principles and practices of editing for both picture and sound. Analyses of photographs from dozens of classic... czytaj dalej

Raimonds Staprans
Karlstrom Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In 1947 the young Raimonds Staprans emigrated with his family from Latvia to America, and for the past half century the artist and playwright has lived and worked in the San Francisco Bay Area. In Raimonds... czytaj dalej

Beigbeder Wydawnictwo: inne

When Barbie was born in 1959, Barbie was an instant success in the stores. Originally conceived as a #8220;teenage model dressed in the latest style,#8221; Barbie soon boasted a full range of clothing and accessories... czytaj dalej

Lulu on Bridge
P. Auster Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The author of the hit films 'Smoke' and 'Blue in the Face' makes his directorial debut with a bittersweet romance.... czytaj dalej

P. Ruhe Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In one of the most extraordinary lives ever lived, Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) effected tremendous political change and wielded enormous influence. His teachings on non-violence elevated him in the eyes of many... czytaj dalej

Leist Wydawnictwo: angielskie

From his apartment window which has a view of downtown Manhattan in particular of the World Trade Center site one photographer documents the changing patterns of life in New York City before and after September... czytaj dalej

Representing Reality
Nichols Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Representing Reality" is the first book to offer a conceptual overview of documentary filmmaking practice. It addresses numerous social issues and how they are presented to the viewer by means of... czytaj dalej

Early Medieval Art
Lawrence Nees Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Książka opisuje sztukę wczesnego średniowiecza.... czytaj dalej