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A book that charts a journey across cinematic boundaries. Across filmed and imagined digital spaces, between the layers of fact and fiction from moving imagemakers redefining the rules of film. THE END OF CELLULOID... czytaj dalej
Materiały z konferencji naukowej, zorganizowanej z okazji stulecia urodzin włoskiego teoretyka konserwacji w ramach projektu Unii Europejskiej Kultura 2000. Zebrane tu materiały dają możliwość pogłębienia wiedzy... czytaj dalej
Film: A Critical Introduction provides a comprehensive framework for studying films, with an emphasis on writing as a means of exploring film's aesthetic and cultural significance. This text's consistent... czytaj dalej
"Prodigies in photography are singularly rare; women prodigies virtually unheard of." - Abigail Solomon-Godeau. Francesca Woodman (1958-1981) has become one of the most talked about, most studied... czytaj dalej
Anna and Claire are two bantering, scheming 'women of fashion' who have long lived together on the fringes of upper-class society. Anna has just become the mistress of a wealthy man, from whom she has received... czytaj dalej
Like Michael Powell's Peeping Tom, Steven Soderbergh's Sex, Lies and Videotape presents us with a protagonist who can only connect with others through the lens of a camera. Graham is an enigmatic young man... czytaj dalej
Roger Ballen (b.1950) challenges the ways in which we perceive the ?reality? of photography. His striking, ambiguous images of people, animals and objects posed in mysterious, cell-like rooms occupy the grey... czytaj dalej
'Innovations in digital bandwidth and hardware have created a convergence of media that's changing the way we watch television, use the telephone, and even drive our cars. As these new media grow, so will the... czytaj dalej
This is the definitive how-to guide to intaglio printmaking.With clear step-by-step instructions and over 200 illustrations, this beautifully illustrated book describes methods which, while employing a strong... czytaj dalej
"Representing Reality" is the first book to offer a conceptual overview of documentary filmmaking practice. It addresses numerous social issues and how they are presented to the viewer by means of... czytaj dalej