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Cartoon America
H. Katz Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Library of Congress encompasses virtually the entire history and scope of comic art, including editorial cartoons, caricatures, comic strips, animation and illustration. "Cartoon America" portrays... czytaj dalej

Norbert Schneider Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Niewiele wiemy na temat życia Vermeera. Z przekazów wynika, że został ochrzczony w Delft 31 października 1632 roku jako drugie dziecko i jedyny syn Reyniera Jansza. Jego ojciec urodził się w 1591 roku w Antwerpii... czytaj dalej

Technique of Film & Video Editing
Dancyger Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The Technique of Film Video Editing provides a detailed, precise look at the artistic and aesthetic principles and practices of editing for both picture and sound. Analyses of photographs from dozens of classic... czytaj dalej

Raimonds Staprans
Karlstrom Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In 1947 the young Raimonds Staprans emigrated with his family from Latvia to America, and for the past half century the artist and playwright has lived and worked in the San Francisco Bay Area. In Raimonds... czytaj dalej

Polski wachlarz malowany 1850-1914
Różalska Jolanta Wydawnictwo: DiG

Nikt już nie pamięta, że kiedyś wachlarz był nieodzownym atrybutem wytwornego, wieczorowego stroju kobiecego... Wyszedł z mody, jak się zdaje, na zawsze. Porzucony przez elegantki, nie doczekał się też - jak... czytaj dalej

Loretta Lux
Loretta Lux Wydawnictwo: inne

Though the sense of realism in German photographer Loretta Lux's striking portraits of children remains eerily intact, Lux does not strive to create faithful photographic representations of her young subjects... czytaj dalej

Extreme Photography
Hope Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Photography is about much more than putting the camera to the eye and pressing the shutter. Sometimes what is being recorded is impossible to approach in a convetional way, for a number of reasons: it's too... czytaj dalej

Inside "Men in Black II"
Bruce Munson Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

This is a heavily illustrated, lively look at the making of the hit movie 'Men in Black II', complete with personal anecdotes and concept art models. Also included in this volume is the entire shooting script from the film.... czytaj dalej

Museum Watching
E. Ewitt Wydawnictwo: angielskie

'Photographer by profession and dedicated amateur by hobby', the ever-popular Elliott Erwitt prizes his personal snaps above all his work. When otherwise idle in New York or with spare time on his hands during... czytaj dalej

P. Ruhe Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In one of the most extraordinary lives ever lived, Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948) effected tremendous political change and wielded enormous influence. His teachings on non-violence elevated him in the eyes of many... czytaj dalej