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Wykonanie uzupełnień ubytków warstwy malarskiej jest jednym z istotniejszych etapów prac przeprowadzanych w przypadku pełnej konserwacji i restauracji dzieł malarstwa. Ta czynność wieńcząca proces restauracji... czytaj dalej
The first sustained analysis of the relationship between women's contemporary painting and feminism. This international collection of specially commissioned pieces brings together writing both by theorists... czytaj dalej
Examines the work of some two dozen little-known women artists of the Weimar period in Germany. Meskimmon explores their work as part of Weimar's burgeoning "Frauenkultur" (women's culture) through... czytaj dalej
Nick Waplington has taken photographs in and around Truth or Consequences, a small town situated in New Mexico, for nearly ten years. Typical and unremarkable in many ways, the town's extraordinary name derives... czytaj dalej
This book is a study of a recurring phenomenon in the history of changing taste in the visual arts, namely the feeling that older and less sophisticated (i.e. 'primitive') works are somehow morally and aesthetically... czytaj dalej
The Park Avenue Cubists explores the work of a group of American artists committed to the belief that American abstraction could make a unique contribution to the evolution of the visual experiments begun by... czytaj dalej
Rubens was well placed to take advantage of the increasing demand for scenes of Christ's Passion in the Southern Netherlands at the beginning of the 17th century. He had developed a reputation for his religious... czytaj dalej
"Znaki rzeczywistości" to ujęcie w swoistą klamrę twórczości malarskiej Kazimierza Rocheckiego. Niniejsza publikacja składa się z dwóch części, w których autor zamieścił ponad dwieście barwnych reprodukcji... czytaj dalej
A film's ending is crucial. It is the last thing an audience sees, and often the last thing it remembers, before leaving the theatre. This screenwriting instructional book offers a structure for the writer... czytaj dalej
Following on the success of Be My Guest... In this lavishly illustrated book, international globe-trotter Kalliope Karella takes the reader on an intimate tour of 15 of the world's most stylish weddings. With... czytaj dalej