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Monitoring Educational Performance In the Caribbean
E. di Gropello Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This study represents an attempt to provide a comprehensive quantification of educational outcomes in the Caribbean region. Its main objectives are: to define a set of operationally relevant education indicators;... czytaj dalej

Faith in Conservation
M. Palmer Wydawnictwo: angielskie

What do the world's religions have to say about global development and its impact on the environment? What role can organized religion play in the planet's protection? This book explores the ecological worldviews... czytaj dalej

Terapy of Moderate to Severe Psoriasis
G. Weinstein Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Features new and updated chapters discussing the latest and most commonly prescribed therapies for patients with moderate-to-severe psoriasis. Noteworthy topics include the management of pediatric patients... czytaj dalej

Food Biotechnology
D. Shetty Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Completely revised, this second edition of Food Biotechnology demonstrates the massive effect that biotechnology has on food production and processing. The book begins with an overview of the principles of... czytaj dalej

Encyclopedia of Apocalypticism v.2
B. McGinn Wydawnictwo: inne

Apocalyptism has been broadly defined as the belief that God has revealed the imminent end of the ongoing struggle between good and evil throughout history. It has been a major element in the three monotheistic... czytaj dalej

Wastewater Use in Irrigated Agriculture
C. Scott Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The use of urban wastewater in agriculture is receiving renewed attention, with increasing scarcity of fresh water resources in many arid and semi-arid regions of the world. Wastewater is a low-cost alternative... czytaj dalej

Introduction to Marine Ecology
R. Barnes Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This established textbook continues to provide a comprehensive and stimulating introduction to marine ecological concepts and processes. Based on a wealth of international teaching expertise, An Introduction... czytaj dalej

Controlling Design Variants
A. Ericsson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

An increasing number of successful manufacturing companies use the notion of modules and product platforms. But, what is a module and how can modular product platforms increase company efficiency while reducing... czytaj dalej

RNA World
R. Gesteland Wydawnictwo: inne

The origin of life is not the only topic covered in this book. The volume provides reviews of RNA function, each written by an expert in the field.... czytaj dalej

Acoustic Sensing Techniques for the Shallow Water
A. Caiti Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Acoustic remote sensing of the ocean environment has seen a remarkable progress in the last tenfifteen year as a result of an increasing understanding of the experimental techniques and procedures and of the... czytaj dalej