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'This is an excellent book that I will definitely use for teaching. Adnett and Hardy provide an optimistic assessment of the potential development of a European Social Model in the face of increasing diversity... czytaj dalej
'In bringing together seven regional studies by economists from the Global Development Network, Natalia Dinello and Lyn Squire provide an insightful perspective on the relationships between globalization and... czytaj dalej
'This book provides us with valuable insights into the alliance network that has come into existence in one of the largest IT-based sectors, i.e. microelectronics, and the evolution of this network structure... czytaj dalej
What Every Student Should Know About Citing Sources with MLA Documentation provides specific instructions on writing and referencing in the Modern Language Association (MLA) style. It offers a comprehensive... czytaj dalej
Collecting sixteen thought-provoking new essays by leading medievalists, this volume celebrates the work of the late Rees Davies. Reflecting Davies' interest in identities, political culture and the workings... czytaj dalej
Illustrated Textbook of Paediatrics 2/e covers the core curriculum for undergraduate teaching of clinical paediatrics. The second edition retains the innovative, full-colour design of the first, incorporating... czytaj dalej
The field of cognitive modelling has progressed beyond modelling cognition in the context of simple laboratory tasks and begun to attack the problem of modelling cognition in more complex, realistic environments... czytaj dalej
This is the new edition of the introductory book which contains core material for first- or second-year psychology courses, and other users, discussed in an industrial psychology framework. ... czytaj dalej
Prezentowany Komentarz zawiera omówienie przepisów czterech odrębnych postępowań cywilnych:- w sprawach gospodarczych- nakazowego- upominawczego- uproszczonego... czytaj dalej
Podręcznik Aktuelles zu Wirtschaft und Politik Polens stanowi niezbędną pomoc dla osób samodzielnie uczących się niemieckiego języka specjalistycznego Wirtschaftsdeutsch.Tematycznie obejmuje on główne zagadnienia... czytaj dalej