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Ajax dla twórców aplikacji internetowych
Kris Hadlock Wydawnictwo: Helion

Zaprojektuj i stwórz nowatorskie aplikacje WWW Poznaj technologię Ajax Wykorzystaj wzorce projektowe Zoptymalizuj komunikację z bazą danych Chcesz, aby tworzone przez Ciebie aplikacje WWW stały się wygodniejsze... czytaj dalej

Theories of the Information Society
F. Webster Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In this new and thoroughly revised edition, the author brings his work right up to date both with new theoretical work and with social and technological changes - such as the rapid growth of the internet and... czytaj dalej

Process Dynamics & Control
Roffel Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Offering a different approach to other textbooks in the area, this book is a comprehensive introduction to the subject divided in three broad parts; The first part deals with building physical models, the second... czytaj dalej

Corrosion Prevention & Protection
Ghali Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This title presents approximately 100 cases with solutions and recommendations. Begining with an introduction, a discussion of the various forms of corrosion follows, with the classification of environments... czytaj dalej

Sikhs Swamis Students & Spies
H. Gould Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Sikhs, Swamis, Students and Spies" is a fascinating history of the India lobby in America in the Indian pre-independence era, a little known chapter in the history of modern India. It documents the... czytaj dalej

Twentieth-Century Catholic Theologians
Kerr Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This book offers a lively and succinct account of Catholic theology from 1900 to the present day. The book begins with the work of Chenu, the guru of the French worker priest movement, and concludes with the... czytaj dalej

Family Communication Sourcebook
L. Turner Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"The Family Communication Sourcebook" provides an in-depth examination of contemporary theory and research in the area of family communication. It frames current research practices and approaches... czytaj dalej

Essentials of Political Analysis
Pollock Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Providing a strong conceptual foundation, "The Essentials of Political Analysis" walks students through the basics of measuring concepts, formulating and testing hypotheses, and describing variables... czytaj dalej

Model Based Control
Agachi Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A much-needed practical approach to the topic, this book is unique in including case studies presenting a wide range of applications for the implementation of MPC in process engineering and automation. At the... czytaj dalej

World in the Twentieth Century
D. Brower Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For one quarter/semester courses in World History emphasizing the 20th century.The World in the Twentieth Century discusses the major political and economic changes that have reshaped global relations and focuses... czytaj dalej