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Egekucja z nieruchomości w postępowaniu egzekucyjnym w administracji
Grześkiewicz Władysław Wydawnictwo: Wolters Kluwer

Stan prawny na 26.11.2007 r.Jedyna dotychczas na rynku wydawniczym, publikacja, która tak szczegółowo prezentuje złożoną problematykę egzekucji z nieruchomości w administracji - przede wszystkim w ujęciu praktycznym... czytaj dalej

Preston Douglas Wydawnictwo: inne

Blasphemy is the story of a group of researchers at Isabella, the new US government financed $40 billion particle accelerator, located on an Arizona reservation leased from the Navajos. The main goal of the... czytaj dalej

Beijing Olympiad
Close Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The stage is set for the Beijing Olympiad to be the greatest mega-event, sporting or otherwise, in history. Still, the issues taxing many minds include whether the Beijing Games will be successful; whether... czytaj dalej

Crisis & Order in English Towns 1500-1700
P. Clark Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This collection of essays in English urban history covers a period which has been called 'the Dark Ages in English Economic History', on which it directs a revealing light. The essays range from a discussion... czytaj dalej

Edmunds Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This is a chronological and ethnographic narrative that surveys American Indian history, from the arrival of humans on the American continent to present day. The text gives balanced attention to political,... czytaj dalej

Pursuit of History
J. Tosh Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Reviews of the previous Edition:#145;This is exactly the kind of book to recommend warmly to any student wanting a general introduction to the discipline of history. It is highly accessible and could as easily... czytaj dalej

Performing Polity
Collette Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This book discusses the changing social impression of women's voices as expressed in late fourteenth-century Anglo-French texts. Together the essays that comprise this book offer evidence for three closely... czytaj dalej

Food Habits & Consumption in Developing Countries
Den Hartog Wydawnictwo: angielskie

During the last decade, the food and nutrition situation in developing countries has changed dramatically. For better or worse, urbanization and globalization have altered the diet and nutrition in both rural... czytaj dalej

Fighting Terror in Cyberspace
M. Last Wydawnictwo: angielskie

As became apparent after the tragic events of September 11, 2001, terrorist groups are increasingly using the Internet as a communication and propaganda tool where they can safely communicate with their affiliates... czytaj dalej

Aztec Rage
Jennings Gary Wydawnictwo: inne

The fascinating history of Mexico that began in the #1 New York Times bestselling novel Aztec continues . . . .Don Juan de Zavala was the most skilled fighter in all of New Spain?as gifted with weapons and... czytaj dalej