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Bible in Film
J. Exum Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Biblical scholars and students are finding the role of the Bible in film an increasingly absorbing and rewarding topic. There are films that retell biblical narratives and there are films that allude to the... czytaj dalej

Global Environmental Risk
Kasperson Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This volume takes stock of the distinctive challenges posed by global environmental risks, the capacity of knowledge systems to identify and characterize such risks and the competence of human society to manage... czytaj dalej

Ethnic Monitoring & Data Protection
Krizsan Wydawnictwo: brak danych

An increasing concern felt about the absence of ethnic statistics concerning Roma and other minorities in most spheres of public life led to the idea of this research project. Convinced that the collection... czytaj dalej

Scented Palace
Elisabeth Feydeau Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In Montpellier, 1748: Jean-Louis Fargeon is born into a family of perfumers and soon becomes apprenticed to his father's modest perfumerie. But he dreams of the glittering court of Versailles and of becoming... czytaj dalej

Mammalian Alkaline Phosphatases
J. Millan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

A review and discussion of new knowledge on the structure and function of mammalian alkaline phosphatases (APs) gained over the last 25 years. It covers: * The structure, regulation and expression of the AP... czytaj dalej

Apoptosis & Inflammation
J. Winkler Wydawnictwo: inne

Reviewing the characteristics of apoptosis, its regulation and its role in physiology and diseases, this text goes on to focus on three areas as they relate to infammatory cells: signals; effects at cellular... czytaj dalej

Urology 20 Common Problems
Bergman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book presents focused guidelines on diagnosing and managing the 20 most common urologic conditions seen in the primary care setting. The user-friendly format features lists of key actions, approach to... czytaj dalej

Current Diagnosis & Treatment in Pediatrics
W. Hay Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Current Diagnosis Treatment in Pediatrics 18/e offers concise, clinically-oriented coverage of the ambulatory and hospital care of children, from birth through infancy and adolescence Utilising the popular... czytaj dalej

Current Diagnosis & Treatment Neurology
Brust Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The author is listed in "The Best Doctors in America" and is a world-famous authority on stroke. This work's potential audience includes more than 300,000 health providers including internists, family... czytaj dalej

Licensed Practical Nurse Exam Review
Gossman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Why waste time guessing at what you need to know for the NCLEX-PN exam? Maximize your exam preparation time with this quick-hit question and answer review. The unique question and single-answer format eliminates... czytaj dalej