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Pharmacy Practice in an Aging Society
J. Wick Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Pharmacy Practice in an Aging Society" examines the aspects of aging that transcend physical and biological changes, addressing practical concerns such as communication, understanding values, and... czytaj dalej

Textbook of Orthopaedics
Ebnezar Wydawnictwo: inne

The study of orthopaedics and fractures is hugely important to every undergraduate medical student, and it is difficult finding the right textbook that will give them a sufficient level of knowledge and help... czytaj dalej

Perspectives on International Relations
Nau Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Henry R. Nau's concise and accessible text offers a framework that enables students to recognize and evaluate the different perspectives through which we try to make sense of international politics. Nau shows... czytaj dalej

Aerosol Sampling
Vincent Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book provides a comprehensive account of the important field of aerosol sampling as it is applied to the measurement of aerosols that are ubiquitous in occupational and living environments, both indoor... czytaj dalej

Carl und Gerhart Hauptmann
Białęk Edward, Czarnecka Mirosława Wydawnictwo: inne

Hans-Gert RoloffCarl Hauptmanns Napoleon-DramenUrszula KawalecBilder des Anderen - Zigeuner im Werk von Carl HauptmannDirk DalbergKultur- versus Realpolitik. Gerhart Hauptmanns Politikbegriffe in politik- und... czytaj dalej

Histopathology of Preclinical Toxicity Studies
Greaves Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Histopathology of Preclinical Toxicity Studies: Interpretation and Relevance in Drug Safety Evaluation, 3e covers all aspects of drug-induced pathology that may be encountered within preclinical toxicity studies... czytaj dalej

Organizing European Cooperation
U. Morth Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The emergence of a European policy on armaments is an important and politically controversial component in the building of Europe and the controversy and tension between the ways of framing this issue highlight... czytaj dalej

T. Bhaumik Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"The WTO" narrates the story of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) with a view to finding a solution to the unproductive conflicts hampering its functioning. The author ably captures the tensions... czytaj dalej

Global Political Economy in the Information Age
Youngs Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The study of Global Political Economy has been radically transformed over recent years by the effects of globalization in the information age. Previous models such as the classic states/markets conceptualization... czytaj dalej

Phila Macdonalda,Ian Lyons , ory Wydawnictwo:

Każdego dnia eksperci National Geographic przemierzają świat, zgłębiając kulturę i dzieje odwiedzanych krajów oraz przypatrując się ich mieszkańcom. Zdobytą wiedzę przekazują na łamach przewodników National... czytaj dalej