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Lebanon 1860-1960
C. Kanaan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Insightful and extensively researched, "Lebanon in the 1950s" explores the differing mythologies of the Maronite, Druze and Sunni communities that led to a brief but brutal clash in Lebanon in 1958... czytaj dalej

Paediatric Ophtalmology
M. Parks Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This carefully balanced volume is based on six major sections comprising 43 chapters moving from epidemiological and developmental aspects, through diagnostic and investigative guidelines and general principles... czytaj dalej

Skills & Strategies for Coaching Soccer
A. Hargreaves Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Contains drills for beginning, intermediate, and advanced players. ... czytaj dalej

Personnel Management for Sport Directors
T. Flannery Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For athletic directors who handle any aspect of hiring maintaining or managing staff, this text explains how to develop leadership, people and management skills. It offers advice on helping student athletes... czytaj dalej

Issues in Bioinvasion Science
L. Capdevila-Arguelles Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Biological invasions are a global problem whose local impact can be of great magnitude. The prevention and minimization of the impact of invasive alien species has become a priority because of their negative... czytaj dalej

Vertical Markets & Cooperative Hierarchies
K. Kostas Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Vertical Markets and Cooperative Hierarchies" comprises a selection of sixteen newly written essays that provide clarification to issues pertinent to contemporary cooperatives. Twenty three internationally... czytaj dalej

Chlorophylls & Bacteriochlorophylls
B. Grimm Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Chlorophylls are the most obvious natural pigments on Earth where they can be observed even from satellites in outer space: they also sustain life on Earth through their involvement in photosynthesis. With... czytaj dalej

Chemoinformatics Theory Practice
B. Bunin Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Chemoinformatics: Theory, Practice and Products covers theory, commercially available packages and applications of Chemoinformatics. Chemoinformatics is broadly defined as the use of information technology... czytaj dalej

Premodern Places
D. Wallace Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Using songs and poems, maps, and pictures - and featuring pioneering travelers such as Dante and Chaucer, Columbus and St Brendan - this book explores places such as: Calais (English from 1347-1558); Flanders... czytaj dalej

Ecological Genetics
P. Ashton Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Ecological Genetics addresses the fundamental problems of which of the many molecular markers should be used and how the resulting data should be analysed in clear, accessible language, suitable for upper-level... czytaj dalej