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Mutilated Hand
Jeffrey Weinzweig Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This comprehensive atlas and text covers the diagnosis, management and treatment of mutilating injuries of the hand. Written by an international team of orthopaedic and plastic surgeons and trauma specialists... czytaj dalej

Foot & Lower Extremity Anatomy Col Study
R. Poritsky Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This interactive atlas is an expansion of the leg section of Dr. Poritsky's "Anatomy to Color and Study" with the inclusion of many more drawings. The book's purpose is to supplement and reinforce... czytaj dalej

Neuroanatomy 2e
Poritsky Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The author-artist of Anatomy to Color and Study has prepared another unique anatomical study aid. This atlas concentrates on the nervous system and presents all key microanatomical structures for color and... czytaj dalej

CWA Office
G. Owen Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The work of Office DA is diverse in scope and scale, ranging from the design of interiors to the broader scale of urban design and infrastructure. Their award-winning residences and public buildings can be... czytaj dalej

Sleeping Spaces
L. Skolnik Wydawnictwo: angielskie

We spend a third of our lives sleeping, so where we actually lay our heads for this vital activity deserves more than a passing thought. Sleeping Spaces shows how to create a calming sanctuary from the outside... czytaj dalej

Cape Cod Cottage
W. Morgan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The Cape Cod cottage has been one of America's most popular home styles for almost four hundred years. While a perennial domestic favorite, historians have long ignored the modest Cape Cod, relegating it to... czytaj dalej

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
Tilson Wydawnictwo: brak danych

An increase in incidence of abdominal aortic aneurysm is predicted as an extension of the advancing age of our population. Novel strategies for treatment and prevention need to be considered. Interdisciplinary... czytaj dalej

Introduction to Ceramic Engineering Design
David Clark Wydawnictwo: inne

Engineering is the application of science and mathematics to achieve useful objectives for the benefit of society. Typically, the goal of an engineering education is to effectively pass on to students knowledge... czytaj dalej

Evidence-Based Practice
M. Jenicek Wydawnictwo: inne

Evidence-Based Practice: Logic and Critical Thinking in Medicine provides easy access to fundamental principles, quickly assimilated techniques, and proven, rigorous application that demonstrates how logic... czytaj dalej

Signal Processing Application
Liu Wydawnictwo: inne

This manual contains a comprehensive description of signal processing treatments for wideband CDMA to help engineers improve system performance. Based upon the author's in-depth research of key CDMA signal... czytaj dalej