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Contemporary Issues in Human Factors & Aviation Safety
D. Harris Wydawnictwo: inne

Every issue of Ashgate's Human Factors and Aerospace Safety: An International Journal publishes an invited, critical review of a key area from a widely-respected researcher. To celebrate a successful first... czytaj dalej

Faith in Film
C. Deacy Wydawnictwo: inne

How plausible is it to examine the medium of film through a Christian lens? Are there any grounds for supposing that, in 'going to the movies', one is participating in a religious activity? Faith in Film identifies... czytaj dalej

International Law and U.S. Foreign Policy
C. Christol Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The second, revised edition of "International Law and U.S. Foreign Policy" deals with America's most critical international problems, including new chapters on U.S. immigration policy; U.S. oil policy;... czytaj dalej

Encyclopedia of War & American Society 3 vols
P. Karsten Wydawnictwo: angielskie

SAGE Reference is proud to announce the Encyclopedia of War and American Society, Three-Volume Set. The impact of war on American society has been extensive throughout its nation's history. War has transformed... czytaj dalej

Space of Her Own
L. Gulati Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Focusing on relationships between women of different generations in India, this book comprises of narratives demonstrating how each contributor established her own personhood through engagement with a wider... czytaj dalej

Low Intensity Conflicts in India
V. Chandha Wydawnictwo: angielskie

`Major Chadha`s research is exhaustive, extensive and in-depth reading through this book was a learning experience' - Lt Gen (Retd) V K Sood Former Vice-Chief of Army Staff and Consulting Editor Force `Remarkable... czytaj dalej

Sexuality Gender and Rights
G. Misra Wydawnictwo: angielskie

There is virtually no record of work on sexuality and rights in South and Southeast Asia, and even less to show how theory can link to practice. This volume fills the gap by demonstrating how the ideas of... czytaj dalej

Alternative Discourses in Asian Social Science
S. Alatas Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Asian Social Science" situates Asian social sciences in the global context in terms of the perspectives that have evolved and the contributions they have made to the general body of knowledge in... czytaj dalej

Politics of Autonomy
R. Samaddar Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The purpose of this critical political inquiry is to look into the conditions and dimensions of autonomy, their historical nature, and their political significance in terms of enriching democracy. The volume... czytaj dalej

Participatory Citizenship
R. Mohanty Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book offers an extended discussion of citizenship and participation based on the experience of people largely excluded from the processes of governance and development. The contributors to this volume... czytaj dalej