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Plastic Surgery 5 vols
Bruce Achauer Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This new brand new reference for practising Plastic Surgeons gives you comprehensive and practical coverage of all the latest clinical methods. Over 160 chapters provide the most current comprehensive account... czytaj dalej

Watching Wildlife
Chris Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book offers a vivid examination of nature television - and what it reveals about human society. It has never been easier for Americans to observe wild and exotic animals from the comfort and safety of... czytaj dalej

Graph-theoretic Approach to Enterprise Network Dynamics
H. Bunke Wydawnictwo: inne

Networks have become nearly ubiquitous and increasingly complex, and their support of modern enterprise environments has become fundamental. Accordingly, robust network management techniques are essential to... czytaj dalej

Private Participation in Infrastructure in China
M. Bellier Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Since the late 1970s China has made extensive policy reforms and infrastructure investments. Although there have been significant investments made over the past decades, most of these investments came from... czytaj dalej

Pharmaceutical Extrusion Technology
I. Ghebre-Sellassie Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The only book to bring together all technical information necessary to develop and market pharmaceutical dosage forms that meet current quality and regulatory requirements. Provides in-depth descriptions and... czytaj dalej

Computational Medicinal Chemistry for Drug Discovery
Bultinck Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Includes chapters on Vibrational circular dichroism (VCD) and sialidasesDescribes intermolecular behavior with respect to electrostatic potential, quantum similarity, and other propertiesProvides coverage of... czytaj dalej

Learning Through Language in Early Childhood
Painter Wydawnictwo: inne

Language is a child's major tool for learning about the world. Through the taken-for-granted interactions of everyday conversation, a child not only learns the mother tongue, but uses it as a resource for thinking... czytaj dalej

VGM's Careers Encyclopedia
C. Norback Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Provides job descriptions, required education and training, income levels, chances for advancement, and more, for 200 careers. ... czytaj dalej

Designing & Delivering Training
Simmonds Wydawnictwo: inne

Designing and Delivering Training is designed for students of the CIPD PDS module in Designing and Delivering Training and is ideal for anyone wanting an understanding and overview of the subject. The book... czytaj dalej

Concise Clinical Pharmacology
Greenstein Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This is a concise study guide and thorough introduction to clinical pharmacology from which students can gain a rapid understanding of individual topics within the discipline, and from which they can review... czytaj dalej