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Politics of Migration
S. Spencer Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The Politics of Migration explores the opportunities and tensions posed by migration today and makes a series of strong, workable proposals for managing it effectively. An exploration of the opportunities and... czytaj dalej

Rights Resources & Rural Development
Ch Fabricius Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Community-Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM) refers to rural people managing and using natural resources to enhance their livelihoods. It is now widely recognized that much if the Earth's biodiversity... czytaj dalej

Multinational Enterprises and the Law
Muchlinski Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Multinational Enterprises and the Law represents the only comprehensive contemporary and interdisciplinary account of the various techniques used to regulate multinational enterprises (MNEs) at the national... czytaj dalej

Practice Management
H. Mergener Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The practice of gastroenterology is changing at an ever increasing pace. In this issue, leaders in the field of GI practice management provide a comprehensive update on issues that are critical to the successful... czytaj dalej

Ecological Status of European Rivers Evaluation
M. Furse Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The monitoring of benthic diatoms, macrophytes, macroinvertebrates and fish will be the backbone of future water management in Europe. This book describes and compares the relevant methodologies and tools,... czytaj dalej

Trade Marks in Europe a Practical Jurisprudence
S. Maniatis Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In recent years, trade mark law in Europe has evolved from regarding trade marks as a relatively minor industrial property right into a fully developed, multi-tiered system of protection. This development has... czytaj dalej

Kategorie ,,podmiotu" i ,,przedmiotu" w Dawida Hume'a nauce o naturze ludzkiej /UMK/
Grzelińksi Adam Wydawnictwo: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika

Niniejsza praca jest rekonstrukcją zrębów systemu filozoficznego Dawida Hume'a. W przeciwieństwie do tradycyjnego sposobu odczytania jego filozofii, sprowadzającego ją do sceptycznego rozwinięcia założeń brytyjskiego... czytaj dalej

History & Historians
M. Gilderhus Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For undergraduate and graduate courses in Historiography and Historical Method. Also an ideal supplemental text for Western Civilization and Intellectual History courses. This text is a concise, brief, and... czytaj dalej

European Politics Today
G. Almond Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The first truly pan-European survey of contemporary European politics that includes nations from both Western and Eastern Europeas well as a separate chapter on the European Union, European Politics Today continues... czytaj dalej

Written in the Flesh
Shorter Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Written in the Flesh" is a history of sexual desire - a provocative chronicle of the changing nature of what people yearn to do sexually. The desire for sexual pleasure and total body sex - that... czytaj dalej