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Food Toxicants Analysis
Y. Pico Wydawnictwo: brak danych

"Food Toxicants Analysis" covers different aspects from the field of analytical food toxicology including emerging analytical techniques and applications to detect food allergens, genetically modified... czytaj dalej

East African Running
Pitsiladis Wydawnictwo: angielskie

What makes East African middle and long distance runners the best in the world? How should contemporary academia approach this question? The success of East African distance runners has generated a plethora... czytaj dalej

Routledge Handbook of Sports Sponsorship
A. Ferrand Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Sports sponsorship has exploded in value over the last decades, and is now a multi-million pound industry. As such is has become a core topic on sports management, sports marketing and general business courses... czytaj dalej

Introduction to Comparative Politics 4e
Kesselman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Introduction to Comparative Politics" is currently the best-selling Introductory Comparative Politics text in the market. The text is organised around four key themes, with a strong emphasis on political... czytaj dalej

Convergence of Civilizations
E. Adler Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Recent efforts by the United States and its allies to promote democracy, security, and stability in the Middle East owe much to the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership (EMP) - also known as the Barcelona Process... czytaj dalej

German Right 1860-1920
J. Retallack Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Before the rise of Hitler and the Nazis, Germany was undergoing convulsive socioeconomic and political change. With unification as a nation state under Bismarck in 1871, Germany experienced the advent of mass... czytaj dalej

Advances in Geosciences Solar Terrestrial v 2
M. Duldig Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"Advances in Geosciences" is the result of a concerted effort in bringing the latest results and planning activities related to earth and space science in Asia and the international arena. The volume... czytaj dalej

Soy Protein & Formulated Meat Products
H. Hoogenkamp Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Soy-based foods represent a growing sector in today's food industry markets. They tend to be low in fat and high in protein and in overall nutritional quality. Soy protein offers a broad spectrum of functionality... czytaj dalej

Protozoal Abortificients in Farm Ruminants
Gottstein Wydawnictwo: brak danych

The farm ruminant industry forms the core of livestock agriculture in Europe and many other parts the world, and suffers major economic loss every year due to reproductive dysgenesis. Protozoal diseases cause... czytaj dalej

Material Substructures in Complex Bodies
G. Capriz Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Stringent industrial requirements of sophisticated performances and of circumstantial control for micro-devices or nanotechnology manufactures, and other types of machinery at multiple scales, can be satisfied... czytaj dalej