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Men of World War II
E. Bachner Wydawnictwo: angielskie

In the years following World War II, images of comradeship, particularly of men being physically close, largely disappeared from the public record. But, as the stunning photographs from the original "At... czytaj dalej

A. Varichon Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Colour is one of the most basic means of human expression. It can connote mood, social standing, political alignment, or merely personal preference. In "Colors", archaeologist and ethnologist Anne... czytaj dalej

From Zero to Infinity
C. Reid Wydawnictwo: inne

"From Zero to Infinity" is a combination of number lore, number history, and sparkling descriptions of the simply stated, but exceedingly difficult problems posed by the most ordinary numbers that... czytaj dalej

Modern Physics
S. Kakani Wydawnictwo: inne

This title can be used as a textbook for university level courses around the world. It gives a detailed and systematic presentation of wide ranging topics of interest in modern physics molecular spectroscopy... czytaj dalej

J. Korpas Wydawnictwo: inne

Cough is the commonest sign and symptom of respiratory disease and virtually everyone on the planet suffers a clinical cough at least once a year. It is the most frequent complaint to be dealt with by general... czytaj dalej

Roncero Wydawnictwo: inne

Subject is a collective show that gives a new twist to the idea of the contemporary portrait by absolutely neutralizing the representation of the sitter, not only in terms of composition but of also in gesture. ... czytaj dalej

Development of Capitalism in Russia
Clarke Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This book provides a broad and comprehensive survey of the development of capitalism in Russia from the collapse of the Soviet economic system to the present, and includes the results of substantial new research... czytaj dalej

Bridging Discourses in the ESL Classroom
P. Gibbons Wydawnictwo: inne

Examines the interactions between learners and teachers in a content-based classroom. This book aims to identify patterns of discourse which support both second language development and curriculum learning... czytaj dalej

From the Meadows of Gold
Masoudi Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Much of his work has vanished, but Mas'udi's matchless The Meadows of Gold has almost miraculously survived: a compendium of stories and information on what he knew of the worlds of the Middle East, the Far... czytaj dalej

Innowacyjność i potrzeby proinnowacyjne przedsiębiorstw regionu kujawsko-pomorskiego/UMK/
Haffer Mirosław (red.) Wydawnictwo: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika

Celem badań, prezentowanych w niniejszym opracowaniu, jest identyfikacja aktywności innowacyjnej oraz potzreb proinnowacyjnych przedsiębiorstw regionu kujawsko-pomorskiego oraz sformułowanie wniosków i rekomendacji... czytaj dalej