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Introduction to Cardiovascular Physology 4ed
Levick Wydawnictwo: inne

Introduction to Cardiovascular Physiology has become an essential text in its field, appealing to candidates for the FRCA, MRCP, MRCS / AFRCS, as well as medical and physiology students.This new edition incorporates... czytaj dalej

Regions Land Consumption & Sustainable Growth
O. Atzema Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This book provides an in-depth investigation of the role of the private and public sectors in land markets and regional economics, and explores the reasons behind government intervention in the interests of... czytaj dalej

Copyright & Other Fairy Tales
Helle Porsdam Wydawnictwo: brak danych

'This is not a lighthearted book, but rather an inspiring tale that challenges the development of copyright. A detailed historical analysis of copyright leads to fundamental questions about the role of copyright... czytaj dalej

Diagnostic & Surgical Imaging Anatomy Brain Head & Neck Spin
Osborn Wydawnictwo: inne

This richly illustrated and superbly organized text/atlas is the first volume of the new Diagnostic and Surgical Imaging Anatomy Series produced by the innovative medical information systems provider Amirsys(R)... czytaj dalej

Solal Wydawnictwo: inne

In this whimsical look at the most important accessory of men's fashion, Marc Solal has created 30 portraits of ties and imagined who their owners would be. The styles of these different ties represent the... czytaj dalej

Bright Ideas Professional Lighting Secrets for Your Home
J. McFarlane Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Bright Ideas is a high-voltage practical guide to professional lighting solutions for your home. Featuring inspiring work and advice from top international lighting designers, Bright Ideas will enable you to... czytaj dalej

Guide to European Policies 8e
N. Moussis Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This abridged version of 'Access to European Union' analyses all aspects of European integration: the method, the different stages and the institutions. It covers the main policies of the European Union in... czytaj dalej

Begriff des Staates
K. Amerkis Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The second volume of the International Yearbook of German Idealism is dedicated to the concept of the state. Kant´s theory of freedom and his theory of the constitutional state set new standards for the political... czytaj dalej

Schleiermacher & Whitehead Open Systems in Dialogue
Suchocki Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This collection of essays stages a dialogue between Friedrich Schleiermacher and Alfred North Whitehead on significant features of 'open' system. The volume offers new options for rehabilitating system for... czytaj dalej

Ultrasound Teaching Manual
Hofer Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Ideal for radiology residents and technicians, this concise "workbook" is the perfect guide to the use of ultrasound scanners. Designed as a learning tool, it introduces the various applications of... czytaj dalej