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Militarism Rule without Law
Carlton Wydawnictwo: inne

Militarism is commonly associated with predatory societies and power-hungry rulers, from Assyrians and Spartans, Romans and Mongols, to the expansionist regimes of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. But militarism... czytaj dalej

World Environment Organization Solution or Threat for Effect
Biermann Wydawnictwo: inne

In recent years, the debate on the establishment of a new international agency on environmental protection - a 'World Environment Organization' - has gained substantial momentum. Several countries, including... czytaj dalej

Balance of Payments Analysis of Developing Economies
O. Adedeji Wydawnictwo: inne

Developing countries - given their extreme economic vulnerability - are likely to be better served by maintaining flexible exchange rate regimes. That is the finding of this informative and enlightening book... czytaj dalej

Fasten Your Seatbelt
N. Taneja Wydawnictwo: inne

Fasten Your Seatbelt: The Passenger is Flying the Plane is the fourth in a series written at the encouragement of practitioners in the global airline industry. Core customers are beginning to seize control... czytaj dalej

Joan of Arc in French Art and Culture
N. Heimann Wydawnictwo: inne

In her meticulous and wide-ranging study, Nora M. Heimann follows the metamorphosis of Joan of Arc's posthumous representation during the years in which her image ascended from relative obscurity as a minor... czytaj dalej

Research Methods in Applied Behavior Analysis
J. Bailay Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This very practical, `how-to' text provides the beginning researcher with the basics of applied behaviour analysis research methods. The text covers all the elements of single-subject research design and... czytaj dalej

Methods for Development Work & Research
B. Mikkelsen Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This is the completely revised version of the highly successful textbook first published in 1995. This edition incorporates new lessons learned regarding the merits and pitfalls of development work, including... czytaj dalej

Handbook of Historical Sociology
Delanty Wydawnictwo: angielskie

`The overall conception of the volume is absolutely splendid, and the editors skilfully place the material in the context of disciplinary and post-disciplinary developments in sociology. This is a major contribution... czytaj dalej

Treasury of Jewish Holiday Baking
M. Goldman Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Here at last is the first lovingly assembled, comprehensive collection of delicious, fail-proof baked goods--for the Jewish holidays and throughout the year--compiled and interpreted by Marcy Goldman, a professional... czytaj dalej

Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests
J. Wallach Wydawnictwo: angielskie

"What tests do I order, and what do the results mean?" Here is the compendium that provides the answers - quickly and clearly - for a vast range of adult and paediatric conditions. This thoroughly... czytaj dalej