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Dictionary of Easily Confused Words
D. Williams Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This unique dictionary defines troublesome homonyms like banned and band, barred and bard in groups -- so readers can quickly compare and distinguish between meanings.... czytaj dalej

Amenity Migrants
L. Moss Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This is the first volume to be published that describes and explains the expanding, complex global phenomenon "amenity migration" and its profound effects on the natural environment and culture in... czytaj dalej

Chemical Analysis in the Laboratory
R. Baker Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Often considered as a simple task, chemical analysis actually requires a variety of quite complex skills. As a practitioner in an interdisciplinary science, the analytical scientist is relied upon to have the... czytaj dalej

Art at the Rockface
Moore Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Artists over the millennia have responded to the geological environment surrounding them and tried to capture something of man's relationship to it. This book examines the ways by which artists have explored... czytaj dalej

Gene Machines
F. Balkwill Wydawnictwo: inne

The 'Enjoy Your Cells' series offers children a simple but scientifically accurate commentary, complemented with colourful graphics to take young readers on an entertaining exploration of the amazing, hidden... czytaj dalej

Beyond the Roots
Krajka Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This volume includes a collection of nineteen papers covering Conrad's writing career, beginning with "Almayer's Folly" (1889) and concluding with "The Rescue" (1920). Written by scholars... czytaj dalej

Annotated Timeline of Operations Research
S. Gass Wydawnictwo: angielskie

An Annotated Timeline of Operations Research: An informal history recounts the evolution of Operations Research (OR) as a new science - the science of decision making. Arising from the urgent operational issues... czytaj dalej

W. Schaper Wydawnictwo: angielskie

List of Contributors -Introduction -Embryonic Development of Collateral Arteries -Structural Remodeling during Growth of Collateral Vessels -Magnetic Resonance Imaging -Physical Forces and their Translation... czytaj dalej

Blackwell Underground Clinical Vignettes Pharmacology
Bhushan Wydawnictwo: brak danych

Blackwell's US medical student books have moved to Lippincott Williams Wilkins. Please visit LWW for more product and purchasing information. **************************************************** USMLE Step... czytaj dalej

Pathophysiology for the Boards & Wards
C. Ayala Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Pathophysiology for the Boards and Wards, Fifth Edition offers the information most tested on the USMLE Step 1 in a systematic, outline manner. This essential guide eases the transition from classroom to wards... czytaj dalej