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Palen Wydawnictwo: angielskie

'Schaum's Outline of Astronomy' will provide a basic introduction to the topics covered in astronomy courses at the 100-level. The focus rests on problem solving, rather than fact gathering. It is intended... czytaj dalej

Basic & Clinical Pharmacology 9e
Bertram Katzung Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The most current, authoritative, and comprehensive pharmacology book for medical, pharmacy, and other health science students. Widely respected for its clarity, comprehensiveness, and organization, this pharmacology... czytaj dalej

Williams Hematology
Lichtman Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Williams HEMATOLOGY, 6th Edition, informs on new developments in genetics and molecular biology, sickle cell diseases, gene rearrangements, platelet morphology, biochemistry and function and so much more. Chapters... czytaj dalej

Aacn Essentials Of Critical Care Nursing
Chulay Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Ideal for critical care and progressive care orientation programs
Incorporates AACN Protocols for Practice
Emphasis on evidence-based practice
Builds on basic concepts to be accessible to clinicia... czytaj dalej

Aacn Essentials Of Critical Care Nursing Pocket Handbook
Chulay Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Cardiac rhythms, ECG characteristics, sample rhythm strips, and treatment guides
Admission and shift assessment guides
Critical care drug information
Advanced cardiac life support algorithms <... czytaj dalej

Marching to Valhalla
Blake Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

By the author of 'Dances with Wolves', this novel is composed in the form of the journal of George Custer, the youngest general to fight the American Civil War. This merging of fact and fiction portrays Custer... czytaj dalej

And Now You Can Go
V. Vida Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

A gun is pointed at 21-year-old Ellis as she walks through a New York park. Although she escapes unharmed she is left psychologically reeling. Over the next few weeks Ellis keeps everyone at bay: the police... czytaj dalej

Did You Spot the Gorilla
Wiseman Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

In a recent series of ground-breaking psychological experiments, volunteers were shown a 30-second film of some people playing basketball and told to count the number of passes made with the ball. After just... czytaj dalej

Fundamentals of Computational Genomics
A. Mushegian Wydawnictwo: inne

This book provides an overview of computational analysis of genes and genomes, and of some most notable findings that come out of this work. Foundations of Comparative Genomics presents a historical perspective... czytaj dalej

Technology Humans & Society
Richard Dorf Wydawnictwo: inne

A number of factors, from soaring fuel prices to genetically modified agricultural products, have greatly refocused worldwide attention on the interrelationship between technology and society and the necessity... czytaj dalej