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Sword & the Scimitar
D. Ball Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Nico and Maria, Maltese brother and sister, are separated when young Nico is abducted by Moorish slavers. Taken to Algiers to be the personal slave of a wealthy merchant, he becomes a pawn in household politics... czytaj dalej

B. Nicholson Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

Arno Strine, a modest temporary typist who has perfected the knack of stopping time in its tracks and taking women's clothes off, is hard at work on his autobiography, 'The Fermata'.... czytaj dalej

Angels Crest
L. Schwartz Wydawnictwo: Vintage Books

On a crisp winter morning just before the start of deer season, Ethan and his three-year-old son Nate set off together to discover the beauties of the forest. As he parks the car, Ethan sports a pair of magnificent... czytaj dalej

Navigating Materials World
Baillie Wydawnictwo: inne

This book will enable students to navigate through materials science and engineering courses with increased motivation, reflection and depth.It contains a series of guides that will help students learn about... czytaj dalej

Physics in Biology & Medicine
P. Davidovits Wydawnictwo: inne

This concise, introductory textbook covers topics in physics as they apply to the life sciences, specifically in medicine, physiology, nursing and other applied health fields. It discusses biological systems... czytaj dalej

Physiological Imaging of Brain With Pet
Gjedde Wydawnictwo: inne

Physiological Imaging of the Brain with PET provides the latest techniques and applications for PET as a tool to study the physiology of the brain, and is sponsored by the International Society of Cerebral... czytaj dalej

Pediatric Bone
Glorieux Wydawnictwo: inne

Pediatric Bone is the first book to be published to deal exclusively with the biology and diseases of bone as they affect children. Rapid advances have been made in our understanding of the mechanisms and factors... czytaj dalej

Fish Nutrition
John Halver Wydawnictwo: inne

This third edition of Fish Nutrition is a comprehensive treatise on nutrient requirements and metabolism in major species of fish used in aquaculture or scientific experiments. It covers nutrients required... czytaj dalej

Practical Optics
Menn Wydawnictwo: inne

Practical Optics bridges the gap between what students learn in optical engineering curricula and the problems they realistically will face as optical engineering practitioners, in a variety of high-tech industries... czytaj dalej

Research Methods & Society
L. Dorsten Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For one-semester, undergraduate courses in Research Methods in the social sciences, especially in Sociology.Designed to help students acquire basic skills in the methods of social science research, this text... czytaj dalej