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Proceedings of the Conference on Phonon Scattering in Conden
A. Akimov Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The 11th International Conference on Phonon Scattering (Phonons 2004) was held in St. Petersburg, Russia, 25-30 July 2004. Both theoretical and experimental results on studies in phonon physics and related... czytaj dalej

R. Berger Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Geruchsreize gelangen - anders als andere Sinneseindrücke - direkt in den Teil unseres Gehirns, der für Gefühle, Stimmungen und unser Erinnerungsvermögen zuständig ist. Geruch spüren wir als Heißhunger, Durst... czytaj dalej

Audi Forum Ingolstadt Tradition Vision
Henn Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This monograph offers interior and exterior shots of the Audi Forum, accompanied by a history of the building and the philosophy behind its unique form. ... czytaj dalej

Histopathologie kompakt
C. Thomas Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Allgemeine und Spezielle Histopathologie gehören zu den zentralen Lern- und Prüfungsfächern im Medizinstudium. Die Studierenden sollen lernen, histologische Strukturen einer bestimmten Krankheit zuzuordnen... czytaj dalej

Role Of Biotechnology In Medicinal & Aromatic Plants v 5
I. Khan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Role of Biotechnology in Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (Vol. V )Cancer is a major killer disease in most developed and underdeveloped countries. It is a growing public health menace, and more than six million... czytaj dalej

Monastic School of Gaza
B. Bitton-Ashkelony Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This book studies one of the most striking chapters in the history of late antique monastic culture, provided by the monastic legacy of Gaza. A monastic intellectual community flourished in the region of Gaza... czytaj dalej

Massive Neutrinos in Physics & Astrophysics
Mohapatra Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The recent groundbreaking discovery of nonzero neutrino masses and oscillations has put the spotlight on massive neutrinos as one of the key windows on physics beyond the standard model as well as into the... czytaj dalej

Have a Nice DNA
F. Balkwill Wydawnictwo: inne

The 'Enjoy Your Cells' series offers children a simple but scientifically accurate commentary, complemented with colourful graphics to take young readers on an entertaining exploration of the amazing, hidden... czytaj dalej

Social Learning In Technological Innovation
R. Williams Wydawnictwo: brak danych

'Social Learning in Technological Innovation is a timely contribution to this core topic of science and technology studies. The book integrates, complements and critically evaluates the understanding of design... czytaj dalej

Introduction to Managerial Accounting
Brewer Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Introduction to Managerial Accounting, 3/e by Brewer/Garrison/Noreen is based on the market-leading text, Managerial Accounting, by Garrison, Noreen and Brewer. However, this is not simply a briefer book with... czytaj dalej