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Doyle Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Modernism as a global phenomenon is the focus of the essays gathered in this book. The term “geomodernisms” indicates their subjects' continuity with and divergence from commonly understood notions of modernism... czytaj dalej

Business Information Management
Chaffey Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Business Information Management takes a problem-solving approach, by highlighting the issues faced by managers in identifying, capturing and systematising information in order to improve organisational performance... czytaj dalej

Abnormal Psychology in a Changing World
J. Nevid Wydawnictwo: angielskie

For courses in Abnormal Psychology and Psychopathology. Noteworthy for its clear and engaging writing style, Abnormal Psychology in a Changing World seeks to give students a better appreciation of the human... czytaj dalej

Call for the Dead
J. LeCarree Wydawnictwo: inne

Why should a routine security check drive Fennan to suicide? Why should a suicide arrange for a GPO alarm call? Le Carre's debut novel blends murder investigation with a spy story. ... czytaj dalej

Interpersonal Psychotherapy
Michael Robertson,Scott Stuart Wydawnictwo: inne

A practical guide to the uses and application of interpersonal psychotherapy in the context of general mental health care, presenting interpersonal psychotherapy as part of the psychiatrist or clinical psychologist's... czytaj dalej

Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Environmental Change
Matthews Wydawnictwo: inne

The Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Environmental Change covers changes affecting the Earth over geological, intermediate and short timescales, including pre-Quaternary, Quaternary, Holocene, historical and current... czytaj dalej

Netter's Neuroscience Flash Cards
Feltan Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Like its popular forerunner, Netter's Anatomy Flash Cards, this new flash card set utilizes neuroscience images from Netter's Atlas of Human Neuroscience turning them into a powerfully effective study tool... czytaj dalej

Medical Dictionary English-German
Peter Reuter,Christine Reuter Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This compact medical dictionary incorporates up-to-date terminology from the German and English medical spheres, reflecting all the latest developments in international medicine. Key features include comprehensiveness... czytaj dalej

Teaching Manual of Color Duplex Sonography
M. Hofer Wydawnictwo: angielskie

This interdisciplinary workbook will help students, interns, and physicians gain a fundamental grasp of color duplex ultrasound scanning. It reviews normal findings, important pathologic conditions, scanning... czytaj dalej

Proceedings of the Conference on Phonon Scattering in Conden
A. Akimov Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The 11th International Conference on Phonon Scattering (Phonons 2004) was held in St. Petersburg, Russia, 25-30 July 2004. Both theoretical and experimental results on studies in phonon physics and related... czytaj dalej