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Endoscopic Anatomy for Neurosurgery
A. Perneczky Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Describes and demonstrates the topographic anatomy of the central nervous system from the endoscopic viewpoint. The basic approach is to present the 3-D aspect of each region, and thus aid the planning of neuroendoscopic... czytaj dalej

Gastrointestinale Sonographie
Mathis Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Gastrointestinale Sonographie Zum Nachahmen empfohlen *Kurze Texte zu den diagnostischen Problemen dieses schwierigen Organsystems *Beschreibung des Ultraschallbefundes - anhand von Abbildungen und Tabellen... czytaj dalej

World Guide to Special Libraries 5e 2 vols
H. Optiz Wydawnictwo: angielskie

The well-established World Guide to Special Libraries guides the user to over 35,450 libraries in locations scattered all over the world. 803 key words, structured alphabetically by country and name, comprise... czytaj dalej

Capital Berlin Central District Spreeinsel
Schwaetzer Wydawnictwo: inne

This is a documentation of the results of the Spreeinsel competition to determine the future of one of Berlin's central areas, which is to be the location of the Foreign Office. Two essays explain the site... czytaj dalej

Atlas of Human Anatomy 2 vols
P. Kopf-Maier Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Wolf-Heideggers Atlas of Human Anatomy, revised, updated and modernized completely by Prof. Dr. med. Petra Köpf-Maier, appears new in two volumes. This 5th edition of this classic of anatomy is the result of... czytaj dalej

Heikkinen & Komonen
P. Davey Wydawnictwo: brak danych

This series is the best reference available for information on today's leading architects, and presents their work in an affordable and thoroughly illustrated format. Each book begins with an overview of the... czytaj dalej

Professional's Guide to Data Communication in a TCP/IP World
B. Carne Wydawnictwo: inne

This hands-on resource provides professionals with a comprehensive picture of the Internet protocol stack and the role of TCP/IP in data communication. It serves as a detailed guide to the protocols, networks... czytaj dalej

Lehrbuch der Phoniatrie & Padaudiologie
J. Wendler,W. Seidner,G. Kittel Wydawnictwo: angielskie

Das Buch gibt angehenden Facharzten einen Uberblick uber praxisrelevante Untersuchungsmethoden und die wichtigsten Krankheitsbilder. Dargestellt werden Ursachen, klinische Erscheinungen und Moglichkeiten der... czytaj dalej

Dubosc & Landowski
J. Fontana Wydawnictwo: inne

Dubosc and Landowski have developed their own approach to design based, primarily, on a structural analysis of metal frames and a column-beam system, the cladding box-structure sequence and, finally, the lightness/efficiency... czytaj dalej

Bishoujo Manga Easel Does It
K. Sparrow Wydawnictwo: HarperCollins Polska

"Bishoujo Manga: Easel-Does-It" offers an overview of the most useful materials and tools for artists studying the bishoujo manga style - the art of beautiful people. The book covers all the basic... czytaj dalej